Appointing and authorizing the execution of a Master Legal Services Agreement with Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Charter § 5.02 authorizes the City, upon request of the City Attorney in the case of special or unusual circumstances, to appoint outside counsel to represent the City; and
WHEREAS, the City is in need of special counsel to provide public finance legal services (“Legal Services”); and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney hereby requests and recommends the appointment of outside counsel due to the above-articulated needs; and
WHEREAS, to update the limited panel of outside law firms currently providing Legal Services to the City, the City Attorney’s Office (“CAO”) researched interest and qualifications for Legal Services for both the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (“HRA”) and the City; and
WHEREAS, the CAO evaluated the qualifications of various law firms and, based on careful evaluation and interviews of selected law firms, the CAO recommends that the City engage the law firm of Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.; and
WHEREAS, the CAO is hereby submitting to the City for approval a master legal services agreement (“Master Legal Services Agreement”) with Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. for a duration of approximately twelve (12) months commencing January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2025, with an optional one-year renewal period; a copy of the Master Legal Services Agreement is on file in the office of the HRA Executive Director; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 5.02 and upon the request and recommendation of the City Attorney, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota does hereby appoint the law firm of Barna Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. as special counsel for the purpose of providing Legal Services and authorizes the appropriate City officials to enter into and execute the Master Legal Services Agreement in the form on file in the off...
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