Directing the Department of Safety and Inspections to proceed with the $500 matrix penalty and license suspension adverse action against The Neighborhood Café Inc. d/b/a The Neighborhood Cafe, (License ID #20120000960) for the premises located at 1570 Selby Ave.
WHEREAS, the Wine on Sale, Malt on Sale (Strong), Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) license (“License”) held by The Neighborhood Café Inc. d/b/a The Neighborhood Cafe under License ID #20120000960 for the premises located at 1570 Selby Ave., in Saint Paul (“Licensed Premises”), which is owned by Kristina Masanz was the subject of adverse action pursuant to an October 8, 2024, Notice of Violation and Request for Imposition of $500 Matrix Penalty and License Suspension (Notice”) in which the Department of Safety and Inspections (“Department”) provided notice to the Licensee of its intent to suspend license until licensee provides required information, fee payment to renewal license, and respond to delinquent letter of August 6, 2024, and move forward with adverse action supported by Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.03; and
WHEREAS, on August 6, 2024, Licensee received a letter from DSI Licensing Manager, Eric Hudak requesting that you complete a renewal of your license by August 27, 2024. Licensee was also informed to submit delinquent/expired license to the City Attorney’s office for adverse action, and provided with a copy of the renewal invoice.
WHEREAS, on August 6, 2024, an email was sent to the Licensee at krismasanz@gmail.com
by DSI Inspector, Jeffrey Fischbach, providing a copy of the letter, renewal invoice, and paperwork informing the Licensee that the license is delinquent. A deadline of August 17, 2024, to provide the required information to DSI.
WHEREAS, the Notice laid out the basis for adverse action and the Legislative Code upon which the Department was relying as follows:
Saint Paul Legisla...
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