Authorizing the Police Department to pay a portion of the cost of food associated with the Police Explorer State Conference.
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Explorer program is a non-funded organization that helps 20-24 inner city youths between the ages of 14 and 21 across the City of Saint Paul. The program includes mentoring by the Saint Paul Police officers and allows the youth to explore the field of law enforcement; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Police Explorer program was granted funds by the Saint Paul Police Foundation to be used for the group and mentor’s participation in the State Conference in Rochester, MN; the National Conference in Flagstaff, Arizona and other events during 2016; and
BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay a portion of the costs of food associated with the above, in the amount not to exceed $2,500 from Accounting Unit 20023809; Activity G2316900434274.