Authorizing the Fire Department to apply for the 2023 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant in the amount of $170,000 from the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) to purchase training props and supplies for the community risk reduction program Project Safe Haven.
WHEREAS, the Fire Department would like to apply for the 2023 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant to purchase training props, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and stove top fire stops for the Project Safe Haven program; and
WHEREAS, Project Safe Haven is a program that residents can use to complete a self-inspection of their homes using a checklist and the firefighters can provide home visits to make sure the safety equipment is installed properly and make sure they have a home escape plan and the training props will be used at community events; and
WHEREAS, the grant amount would be $170,000 of which the federal government would provide $161,904.76 to support the grant; and
WHEREAS, the grant requires a 5% match of $8,095.24 which would be paid from the fire department's budget over the two years of the grant period of performance, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the Fire Department to apply for the 2023 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant.