Establishing the 60-day negotiation period between the City of Saint Paul and licensed residential trash collectors as per Minnesota statute 115 A.94 Organized Collection.
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 115 A.94 authorizes that a city may organize collection of trash, as a municipal service or by ordinance, franchise, license, negotiated or bidded contract, or other means, using one or more collectors or an organization of collectors; and
WHEREAS, on February 24, 2016, the Saint Paul City Council passed a resolution (RES 16-337) directing the Saint Paul Department of Public Works to solicit input from residents using a variety of techniques in order to develop draft goals and objectives for implementing a system of organized trash collection within the City of Saint Paul; and,
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Department of Public Works conducted a public information campaign utilizing a variety of tools to collect information including a survey on Open Saint Paul; a written survey; general information on the city’s web page; notice to traditional, local media outlets; promotion through social media including the city’s Facebook page and Twitter account; paid social media to targeted zip codes; articles on city council and district council websites and news outlets; printed brochures available at all libraries and district council offices; a direct mail piece; direct outreach and focus groups through trusted multi-cultural community organizations; and one-on-one conversations with current Saint Paul residential licensed trash collectors and at several community meetings and events; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2016, the Saint Paul City Council accepted the report Organized Trash Collection in Saint Paul: Report on Community Input and Draft Goals and Objectives from the Saint Paul Department of Public Works and conducted a public hearing regarding the goals outlined in the resolution (RES PH 16-174); and,
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 115A.94 subd. 4d of the statu...
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