Requesting that Public Works examine the policy and fees related to hooding meters for special events.
WHEREAS special events and community events are a critical part of the vitality of Saint Paul, particularly downtown; and
WHEREAS current policy requires special event organizers to pay a “lost revenue” fee that is equal to 100% of meter capacity, which is most likely higher than actual collections would otherwise be; and
WHEREAS much of the “lost revenue” still makes its way to city coffers when people park either farther away or in parking ramps owned by the city; and
WHEREAS these special events are often responsible for much of the parking demand in the first place; and
WHEREAS when the City increased the days and hours of meter enforcement, an unintended consequence was a large increase in hooding fees for weekend special events downtown; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the City Council request the Department of Public Works to evaluate the policy and fees related to hooding meters for special events