Requesting a variance from Standards of State Aid Operations for Project S.A.P. 164-020-133 - Raymond Avenue from Energy Park Drive to Como Avenue.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to reconstruct Raymond Avenue from Energy Park Drive to Como Avenue using Municipal State Aid and Federal funds; and
WHEREAS, the State Aid Rule 8820.9941 Minimum Design Standards, Urban; New or Reconstruction Projects requires a minimum 10 foot parking lane on arterials and collectors with an ADT greater than 10,000 vpd (vehicles per day); and
WHEREAS, Raymond Avenue is an arterial street with an ADT of 14,575 vpd; and
WHEREAS, existing street width of Raymond Avenue is 42 feet; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain the 42 foot width in order to minimize the impact to the existing mature boulevard trees; and
WHEREAS, constructing a 10 foot parking lane would require the roadway to be widened by 2 feet and would detrimentally affect the health of the existing and proposed trees; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that we do hereby authorize the Director of Public Works to request a variance from the MnDOT Road Design Requirement of constructing a 10’ parking lane on Raymond Avenue.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby indemnifies, saves and holds harmless the State of Minnesota and its agents and employees of and from claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the granting of the variance. The City further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim arising as a result of the granting this variance.