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File #: RES 25-390    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Memorializing a City Council decision to grant the appeals of Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC from a Planning Commission decision regarding the development of property at 1566 University Avenue West.
Sponsors: Anika Bowie
Ward: Appeal, District 13, Ward - 1
Code sections: Sec. 63.312. - Setback., Sec. 63.606. - Conditional uses., Sec. 63.612. - Variances., Sec. 66.343. - Traditional neighborhood district design standards.
Attachments: 1. Midway Chamber Statement on United Village 4.4, 2. Notice of Appeal and Extension of 60 Day Deadline for Action, 3. Planning Commission Action Minutes 3-15-24, 4. Planning Commission Resolution, 5. St Paul Building Trades public comment, 6. St Paul Chamber public comment, 7. Staff Report, 8. United Village Letter 2 03_18_24 Hotel Driveway Appeal, 9. Zoning Committee Minutes, 10. Appeal Application and Supporting Materials, 11. City Council Presentation for Appeal, 12. Greater MSP Partnership letter
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Memorializing a City Council decision to grant the appeals of Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC from a Planning Commission decision regarding the development of property at 1566 University Avenue West.
WHEREAS, on February 14, 2024, Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC (“Applicant”), under Zoning File No. 24-013-570, for the purpose of developing a hotel and structured parking garage on property between Snelling Avenue and Pascal Street and commonly known as 1566 University Avenue W, [PIN No.] and legally described as Lot 1, Block 2; United Village Development which is located in a T4M zoning district, applied to the Planning Commission (“Commission”) for a Conditional Use Permit (“CUP”) for increased height [75 feet permitted/90 feet proposed. Leg. Code § 66.331(h)] and the following eight area and design variances:
(1) Building height step-back. Leg. Code § 66.331(h): Structures shall be stepped back 1 ft. from all set-back lines for every 2½ ft. of height over 75’.
(2) Front yard setback. Leg. Code § 66.331: Variance to permit building to be stepped back 1 ft. on the Asbury side; 6 ft. required, and 1 ft. proposed for a variance of 5 ft.
(3) Entrance drive. Leg. Code § 66.342(a)(2): Entrance drives may occupy no more than 60 ft. of total lot frontage. Variance to permit an entrance drive of 322 ft. for a variance of 262 ft.
(4) Building Anchoring Corner. Leg. Code § 66.343(b)(6): Variance to permit building to be setback and not anchor the corners at University & Asbury and University & Simpson.
(5) Above grade window and door openings - West Facade. Leg. Code § 63.110(b): Above grade window and door openings shall comprise at least 15% of the total area of exterior walls facing a public street or sidewalk. Variance to permit 8% window and door openings on the west façade of the building for a variance of 7%: 1,036 sq. ft proposed, 1,934 sq. ft. required for a variance of 848 sq. ft.
(6) Design variance - West Facade. CC RES 23...

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