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File #: Ord 23-46    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 11/15/2023
Title: Amending Chapter 74 of the Legislative Code by adding a new section 74.04 for the purpose of designating the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House at 402 Hall Avenue as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site.
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Code sections: Sec. 73.01. - City may acquire and dispose of real property; certain purposes., Sec. 73.04. - Cooperative undertaking., Sec. 73.05. - Designation of heritage preservation sites.
Attachments: 1. 402 Hall - Watson House Nomination Final, 2. 402 Hall - HPC Minutes 11-1-2021, 3. 402 Hall PC Resolution - 3-4-2022, 4. 402 Hall Photos, 5. 402 Hall SHPO designation letter 11.3.23


Amending Chapter 74 of the Legislative Code by adding a new section 74.04 for the purpose of designating the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House at 402 Hall Avenue as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site.


WHEREAS, on October 1, 2021, HPC staff received a nomination form from the owner, Dr. Shepherd-Thomas that was prepared by local architectural historians for the designation of the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House at 402 Hall Avenue as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site; and


WHEREAS, Heritage Preservation staff reviewed the nomination form and determined it was complete and scheduled the nomination for a public hearing before the Heritage Preservation Commission (“HPC”) to determine whether the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House met the criteria for designation under Leg. Code § 73.05(a); and


WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 471.193 and Legislative Code § 73.04(3), the HPC initiated the process to designate the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House, at 402 Hall Avenue, as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site; and


WHEREAS, on November 1, 2021, having provided notice to affected property owners within 100 feet of the subject address, published notice in a newspaper of general circulation, and posted the agenda to the city website and the City’s Early Notification System, the HPC, pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(e), conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed boundaries and program for the preservation Dwight H. and Clara Watson House where all interested parties, including the applicant and owner, were given an opportunity to be heard, and upon the close of the public hearing and following discussion of the matter, the HPC, based upon the testimony received and the report of staff, determined pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(e) that the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House is eligible for designation as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation site based upon the eligibility criteria set forth under Leg. Code § 73.05(a) and, accordingly, proposed boundaries for the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House Heritage Preservation Site, proposed a program for the preservation of the Site and duly moved to recommend to the City Council for all the reasons set forth in HPC Resolution. that a new section entitled the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House Heritage Preservation Site and Program for Preservation be added to the Legislative Code at § 74.10 which is presently reserved; and


WHEREAS, the HPC pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(b) advised the Planning Commission of the proposed designation along with proposed boundaries, and program for preservation; and


WHEREAS, on March 4, 2022, the HPC pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(b), secured a recommendation from the Planning Commission with respect to the relationship of the proposed heritage preservation site designation to the City’s comprehensive plan, the Commission’s opinion as to the effect of the proposed designation upon the surrounding neighborhood, and the Commission’s opinion and recommendation as to any other planning consideration which may be relevant to the proposed designation; and


WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the proposed designation to be based on consideration of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, consideration of potential effects on the surrounding neighborhood of the designation, and evaluation of other planning considerations, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission in resolution 22-17 recommended the approval of the proposed designation of the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn as a local heritage preservation site; and


WHEREAS, the HPC, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 471.193, Subd. 6 and Leg. Code § 73.05(c), provided copies of the proposed designation, boundaries, and program for preservation to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for review and comment; and


WHEREAS, on November 8, 2023, pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(f), the Council of the City of Saint Paul duly conducted a public hearing, having provided notice to affected property owners within 100 feet of the subject address, published notice in a newspaper of general circulation, and posted the agenda to the city website and the City’s Early Notification System, pursuant to Leg. Code § 73.05(e), at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and 


WHEREAS, the City Council, having considered all the facts and testimony, including the recommendations of the planning commission and the HPC report, hereby finds that creating and designating the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn a Heritage Preservation Site and Program for Preservation is a public necessity required in the interests of the health, prosperity, safety and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul by fulfilling the public policies set forth under Leg. Code § 73.01(1-5) and in so designating the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn Heritage Preservation Site and Program for Preservation the Council hereby adopts as its formal statement of legislative reasons for creating and designating the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn Heritage Preservation Site and Program for Preservation, the reasoning set forth in HPC Resolution No.19-01; NOW, THEREFORE




That Legislative Code Chapter 74, entitled "Heritage Preservation Districts and Programs," is hereby amended by the addition of the following new section to be numbered “Article I, Section 74.04” and entitled " The Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn Heritage Preservation Program" which shall read as follows:




Sec. 74. 04(a). Designation for heritage preservation. Pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, upon the recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission of the City of Saint Paul, and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing held in accordance with Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds that the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn, located at 402 Hall Avenue, and legally described as “WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 EX S 7 FT; LOT 2 & ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 32, Inventory # RA-SPC-1680 Boundary From the SE corner of Hall Av. and Delos St., east 150 feet, then south 93 feet, then west to Hall Av., then north to Delos St. the place of the beginning” encompasses the property historically associated with the Watson House and Barn and meets the criteria for designation as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation District under Legislative Code § 73.05(a):


(1The Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn contributes to and is part of the character, interest, and value as part of the development and heritage of the City of Saint Paul. The architectural style of the residence along with its architectural, cultural, and social value to the neighborhood, supports its value and importance to the City of Saint Paul.


(2The Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn retains the distinguishing characteristics of Late Victorian “eclectic” and retains architectural integrity.


(3The Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn was designed by architect, Cass Gilbert a master architect. Gilbert was one of the leading architects of his generation. His St. Paul designs for the Endicott Building and the Minnesota State Capitol earned him widespread accolades, the latter paving the way for his garnering of major East Coast commissions and his move to and rise to prominence in New York City. His work has influenced the development of and in the City of Saint Paul.


(b). Outline of preservation program. The following guidelines will serve as the basis for the preservation program for the Dwight H. and Clara Watson House and Barn:

1.  Design Review. The City will conduct design review according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (2017) (Hereinafter, the “Standards”). The Standards are codified in 36 CFR Part 68 and are to be applied in a reasonable manner, taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility. The Standards provide general information to determine appropriate treatments for historic properties. The Standards identify four primary treatments: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction.

2.      Repair and Rehabilitation Guidelines. Although design treatment components include restoration and preservation, the City will review repair and rehabilitation proposals utilizing and emphasizing the Secretary of the Interior’s ten Standards for Rehabilitation in conjunction with reviewing design proposals.




This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication once in the official newspaper of the City.


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