Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 525 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2507T, Assessment No. 258515)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 1/7/25 (originally 12/17/24)
Time of LH: 10 am
Date of CPH: 2/19/25
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $402.50
Service Charge: $164
Total Assessment: $566.50
Name of Property Owner/Representative of Management Co.: Ruby Nguyen
Type of Order/Fee: SAO
Nuisance: Cut/trim and remove all vegetation blocking sidewalk right of way
Date of Orders: 7/26/24
Compliance Date: 8/2/24
Re-Check Date:
Date Work Done: 8/19/24
Work Order #: 24-064755
Returned Mail?: No. Mails were sent to occupant, Hank Trung Cu, 1215 Hawthorne Ave E, St. Paul, Hank T Cu, 1119 East River Rd, Mpls MN 55414 (2 ltrs)
History of Orders on Property: 9/27/24-garbage (in compliance), 9/19/24-TGW (unfounded), 9/9/24-OHV (unfounded), 5/17/24-Garbage (compliance), 9/15/23-OHV (compliance), 9/15/15-vehicle (compliance), 9/15/23-garbage (compliance); 8/3/23-tgw (wo), 6/29/23-garbage (compliance), 3/2/23-snow (new snowfall), 1/20/23-garbage (compliance), 4 in 2022, 2 in 2021
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Assessment Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Tall Grass and Weed Removal services during August 1 to 30, 2024. (File No. J2507T, Assessment No. 258515) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and
WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation for the City Council with respect to this assessment; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing having been conducted for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered financially satisfactory; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter, said assessment is hereby ratified and payable in one installment.