Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation, Forestry, to accept the gift of travel and expenses, not to exceed $1700, from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as provided through a Health Impact Assessment grant from the PEW Charitable Trusts, for staff member Zachary Jorgensen to travel to the Health Impact Project Grantee Meeting and Conference in Washington, DC, September 23-25, 2013.
Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation, Forestry, to accept the gift of travel and expenses from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for staff member Zachary Jorgensen to travel to the Health Impact Project Grantee Meeting and Conference in Washington DC from September 23-25, 2013.
WHEREAS, the PEW Charitable Trust has convened a Health Impact Project Grantee meeting and conference in Washington DC from September 23-25, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's emerald ash borer Health Impact Assessment project has invited the Department of Parks and Recreation-Forestry's Natural Resource Technician, Zachary Jorgensen, to participate as a project representative; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, through grant funding provided by the PEW Charitable Trusts, has offered to pay for the flight, hotel, registration, and incidentals including meals and ground transportation for Zachary Jorgensen to participate in the meeting and conference; and
WHEREAS, the meeting and conference provides training and information covering topics to assist participants in conducting a Health Impact Assessment, improve collaboration among project partners, create assessment tools, and facilitate community engagement as part of the emerald ash borer Health Impact Assessment for which Zachary Jorgensen will provide assistance; and
WHEREAS, the emerald ash borer is a destructive forest pest that will alter Saint Paul's urban forest tree canopy and have potential health impacts to the residents of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the gift of travel and expenses, not to exceed $1700.00 for Zachary Jorgensen to attend a Health Impact Project Grantee meeting and conference in Washington DC from September 23-25, 2013-plus travel days, and thanks the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the PEW Charitable Trust for its generous gift.