Authorizing the Department of Public Works to apply for a Planning Grant for the Stormwater, Wastewater, and Community Resilience program from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to help local communities assess vulnerabilities and begin planning for the effects of Minnesota’s changing climate.
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works would like to apply to the Planning Grants for Stormwater, Wastewater, and Community Resilience program from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), which; funds projects to help local communities assess vulnerabilities and begin planning for the effects of Minnesota’s changing climate; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has identified a need for comprehensive analysis of the City’s storm sewer system within the Beltline subwatershed to evaluate localized flooding areas for impacts to properties, utility systems, and critical transportation corridors; and
WHEREAS, developing an intersection-scale hydrologic and hydraulic model of the Beltline subwatershed will equip the City with a design tool to aid in prioritizing capacity improvements, siting green infrastructure, and responding to localized flooding concerns impacted by Minnesota’s changing climate; and
WHEREAS, if successful, these grant funds will support the cost of engaging a consultant to develop a hydrologic and hydraulic model for the Beltline subwatershed generally located south and east of Lake Phalen; and
WHEREAS, the grant amount requested is up to $100,000 with a grant term ending by 6/30/2026; and
WHEREAS, the grant requires a minimum 10% in matching funds, and the source for these funds is the Department of Public Works’ budget over the period of grant performance ending 6/30/2026; and
WHEREAS, the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the Department of Public Works, to apply for the Planning Grant for Stormwater, Wastewater, and Community Resilience program.