Amending Chapter 33 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Establishment of Permit Fees, Certificate of Compliance, and Fences - Requirements.
Section 33.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 33.04. - Establishment of permit fees.
(a) Fees required. Before issuing any permit required by the building code, this chapter or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the fee as indicated in the following schedule shall be paid.
Where work for which any such permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fee specified shall be collected and, in addition, a penalty fee shall be collected. The penalty fee shall be equal to the specified permit fee. The payment of such penalty fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of the building codes in the execution of the work or from any other penalty prescribed herein.
Building valuation for the purpose of establishing building permit fees shall be as set forth by the valuation data published by the Building Code Division, Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, as may be amended from time to time.
Value of work other than that included in the valuation data published by the Building Code Division, State of Minnesota, must include the cost of installations, alterations, additions or repairs, including all labor and materials supplied by the contractor and other sources. The building code officer may require the contractor to furnish the city with a written statement of the actual cost of the work. When such costs exceed those for which the permit was issued, an additional permit fee will be required and collected based on the fee schedule established herein.
Total Valuation Fee
Up to $2,000.00 $30.95 $31.88 for the first $500.00 plus $4.05 $4.17 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $91.65 $94.40 for the first $2,000.00 plus $18.34 $18.89 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $513.27 $528.67 for the first $25,000.00 plus $13.22 $13.62 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $843.59 $868.90 for the first $50,000.00 plus $9.17 $9.45 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $1,301.86 $1,340.92 for the first $100,000.00 plus $7.37 $7.59 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $4,253.88 $4,381.50 for the first $500,000.00 plus $6.19 $6.38 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00
$1,000,001.00 and up $7,348.74 $7,569.20 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $4.76 $4.90 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
Other inspections and fees (applicable to all sections of chapter 33):
(1) Inspections outside of normal business hours…. $111.00 $115.00 per hour
(Minimum charge-Two (2) hours)
(2) Reinspection fees ..... $74.00 $76.00 per hour
(Minimum charge-One (1) hour)
(3) Inspections or other services for which no fee is specifically .. $74.00 $76.00 per hour
Indicated (Minimum charge-One hour)
(4) Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions $74.00 $76.00 per hour
to approved plans ..... (Minimum charge-One hour)
(5) Inspections of buildings to be moved:
(a)Garages and group U occupancies ..... $74.00 $76.00
(b) Dwellings other than group U occupancies ..... $111.00 $115.00
(c) Structures located outside city limits will have an additional fee
of seventy-four dollars ($74.00) seventy-six dollars ($76.00) per hour
including travel time (Minimum charge-One (1) hour)
(g) Other permit fees: Permit fees for other than general construction shall be as follows:
(1) Wrecking of buildings or structures. $5.00 per 1,000 cubic feet or fraction thereof, minimum $74.00 $76.00, with the exception of signs as specified in paragraph (10) below.
(2) Moving of buildings or structures. Buildings larger than 12 feet high, 14 feet wide, 25 feet long other than buildings used for group U, division 1, occupancies: $267.00 $275.00 per move. Group U, division 1, occupancy buildings larger than 12 feet high, 14 wide, 25 long: $89.00 $91.00 per move. Buildings or structures smaller than size indicated above: $74.00 $76.00 per move.
(3) Elevators, dumbwaiters, moving stairways, handicapped lifts and other similar devices:
a. New construction, repairs and major alterations: One and one-half percent of the total valuation of the work. Minimum charge shall be $131.00 $135.00.
b. Annual inspection fees:
1. Power driven passenger and freight elevator:
Up to 5 floors in height .....$89.00 $91.00
6 to 10 floors in height ..... $101.00 $104.00
11 to 20 floors in height ..... $112.00 $116.00
21 or more floors in height ..... $126.00 $130.00
2. Dumbwaiter ..... $74.00 $76.00
3. Moving stairway ..... $74.00 $76.00
4. Docklift ..... $74.00 $76.00
5. Handpowered elevator ..... $74.00 $76.00
6. Manlift ..... $74.00 $76.00
(4) Electrical work. For electrical work the permit fee charges shall be made at the following rates; provided, however, the minimum fee for any permit shall be: one-family dwelling electrical work $74.00 $76.00, multifamily, commercial and industrial work, $74.00 $76.00.
a. Service: New service, change of service, temporary service, addition, alteration or repair on either primary or secondary service up to 600v shall be $74.00 $76.00.
b. Circuits: The fee for the installation of new circuits and/or feeder additions, alterations or repairs to existing circuits up to 600v shall be $12.00 $13.00.
c. Transformers, capacitors, and generation for light, heat and power: Transformers, capacitors, and generation for light, heat and power shall be computed separately at $47.00 $48.00 per unit plus $1.00 per KVA, KVAR or fraction thereof. In addition to the above fees, the fee for all transformers for signs and outline lighting shall be $74.00 $76.00 per sign.
d. Alterations, repairs, or extension of electrical systems: For any alteration, repair or extension of an existing electrical system where the work is of such a nature that the fees for a permit cannot be determined from the above schedule, the permit fee charge shall be based on one percent of the total valuation of the work. Minimum fee shall be $74.00 $76.00.
e. Low-voltage fire alarm systems, remote-control circuits, signal circuits, and low-energy or low-voltage power circuits: For remote control circuits, signal circuits, and low-energy or low-voltage power circuits (in other than single-family dwellings) the permit fee charge shall be:
1. Fire alarms, per control .....$74.00 $76.00
Plus, for each opening .....$1.70 $1.84
2. Others, per control .....$74.00 $76.00
Plus, for each opening .....$1.70 $1.84
f. Traffic signals: For traffic signals the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of $47.00 $48.00 for each service location plus $8.00 for each standard.
g. Street lighting: For street lighting the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of $33.00 $34.00 for each control unit plus $8.00 for each standard.
h. Electric space heating:
0 to 4000 watts ..... $19.00 $20.00
4001 watts and up ..... $26.00 $27.00
i. Transient projects: For permits on transient projects, including, but not limited to, carnivals and circuses, the inspection fees shall be computed as follows:
Power supply units: According to items (a), (b) and (c) of the electric work fee schedule. All rides, devices and concessions shall be inspected. The inspection fee shall be $27.00 $28.00 per unit.
j. Swimming pools: $74.00 $76.00 plus circuit charge.
k. Renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.): The fee shall be $131.00 $135.00 for 0-20 KW systems, $315.00 $325.00 for 21-40 KW systems, and for systems above 40 KW, $315.00 $325.00 plus $3.00 for every KW above 40 KW (kilowatt).
(5) Gas burner, oil burner, coal burner and other fuel burners. $74.00 $76.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input or fraction thereof, plus $13.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof. Maximum fee for each individual burner shall be $875.00 $901.00. Where dual fuel installations are made, the maximum combined permit fee shall not exceed $1,589.00 $1,637.00.
(6) Plastering, stucco, re-dash, patching, veneer plaster, exterior insulation finish system and spray-on fireproofing. The fee is one (1) percent of the valuation of the work; provided, however, that the minimum fee for any permit is $74.00 $76.00.
(7) Plumbing fees:
a. Drain waste and vent, water supply and fixtures.
1. The fee for all initial permits issued by the department of safety and inspections shall be $80.00 $82.00. In addition to this fee, the fee for each fixture, whether set, rough-in, or replaced shall be $30.00 $32.00. Each water supply fixture shall be $6.00.
b. Building sewer permit fees ..... $74.00 $76.00
c. Each private waste treatment system ..... $223.00 $230.00
d. Gas burning water heaters, dryers, ranges or other devices/appliances including gas piping:
1. Base Fee……………………………………………………......$74.00 $76.00
2. Each additional device/appliance………………………….......$11.00 $13.00
3. Each additional 100,000 BTUs or portion thereof…………….$13.00
4. Maximum fee ..... $875.00 $901.00
(8) Standpipes, sprinklers and fire pumps; new installations, repairs or alterations:
a. The minimum fee shall be $74.00 $76.00, in addition to which the following fees shall be paid:
1. Standpipes: $74.00 $76.00 for each standpipe for the first five (5) floors, plus $7.00 for each floor above the fifth.
2. Sprinklers: $20.00 for each additional ten (10) sprinkler heads or fraction thereof.
3. Fire pumps: $74.00 $76.00 for each pump.
b. Fire extinguishing systems utilizing an extinguishing agent other than water, new installations, repairs or alterations: The fee shall be one percent of the valuation of the installation, repair or alteration with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
c. Plan review fees shall be sixty-five (65) percent of the fee as set forth in items a and b. A plan review shall be required for all new systems, special extinguishing agents, and permits having over twenty-five (25) sprinklers.
(9) Fire alarm systems:
a. The minimum fee shall be $74.00 $76.00, in addition to which the following fees shall be paid:
1. Fire alarm control unit: $20.00 $22.00 per unit.
2. Fire alarm opening: $2.00 per device.
b. A plan review shall be required for all new systems and permits having over one hundred (100) fire alarm openings. The plan review fee shall be sixty-five (65) percent of the fee set forth in item a.
(10) Smoke control systems:
a. The base fee for the review and approval of a smoke control system shall be $263.00 $271.00, in addition to which the following fees shall be paid:
1. Acceptance testing: $74.00 $76.00 per hour of fire engineering inspection time.
(11) Water flow testing:
a. Water flow data, less than three (3) years old, shall be provided to verify hydraulic calculations for automatic fire protection systems. The fee for this service shall be $74.00 $76.00. This fee is to be applied at the time of permit issuance.
(12) Refrigeration:
a. Refrigeration permit: One (1) percent of total value of work, minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
b. Total value of work is defined under section 33.04(a).
(13) Signs, billboards, marquees and awnings:
a. Wall signs and projecting signs: $2.70 $2.78 for each square foot with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
b. Marquees over public property: $145.00 $149.00 for each installation.
c. Repair permit: Twenty-five (25) percent of the fee for a new sign with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
d. Awnings projecting over public property: $2.10 per lineal foot, minimum $74.00 $76.00 for each installation. A separate sign permit is required for awnings with signage.
e. Roof and freestanding signs: $2.80 $2.88 for each square foot with a minimum fee of $79.00 $81.00.
f. Demolition permit: $74.00 $76.00.
g. Temporary and portable signs: $74.00 $76.00.
h. Billboard extension permits: $74.00 $76.00.
i. Additional fees:
1. Additional fee for business signs located in a special sign district when there are additional regulations that must be reviewed: $27.00.
2. $0.50 Minnesota state surcharge required for all signs attached to a building for permit fees up to and including $1,000.00. For permit fees over $1,000.00 the rate is 0.0005 per permit fee dollar.
j. A separate electrical permit is required for all electrical work done on signs that are lit, whether internal or external.
k. If building modifications are necessary to accommodate a sign installation, an additional building permit shall be required.
(14) Steamfitting and hot water work:
a. Fee for new construction or alteration shall be one (1) percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must include the cost of installation, alteration, addition and repairs including heat transfer units, accessories to the heating system, including pipe, fittings, and all labor and materials necessary for installation. In addition, it shall include all materials supplied by other sources when these materials are normally supplied by the contractor.
b. Minimum permit fee for commercial, industrial, institutional or business occupancies is $74.00 $76.00.
c. The fee for alterations, additions and repair to existing refrigeration, gas and oil systems shall be based on one (1) percent of total valuation of the work with $74.00 $76.00 minimum.
(15) Warm air, heating, ventilation and sheet metal:
a. Mechanical warm air heating systems: $74.00 $76.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof, plus $13.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Ventilation systems, dust collection systems, pollution control systems, etc.:
One (1) percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must include the cost of installation, alteration, addition and repair, including all labor and materials necessary for installation. The minimum fee shall be $74.00 $76.00 for commercial buildings and $74.00 $76.00 for residential ventilation work and duct modification.
c. General sheet metal: A separate permit is required for general sheet metal work. For gutters, flashing, metal chimneys, chutes or general sheet metal work, the fee shall be one (1) percent of the total valuation of the work. The minimum fee is $74.00 $76.00.
(16) Incinerators:
a. Domestic incinerators: $74.00 $76.00 for each installation.
b. Commercial and industrial incinerators: One (1) percent of total value of work, minimum $74.00 $76.00 for each installation.
(17) Fences Permit/Plan Review: $39.00 $40.00 for the first 200 lineal feet or fraction thereof erected and $13.00 for each additional 100 lineal feet or fraction thereof.
(18) Other projects: For alterations, repairs or extensions for which the fee charge cannot be determined by items (1) through (14) above, the fee charge shall be based on one (1) percent of the total valuation of the work, with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
(19) Reserved.
(20) Solid fuel burning freestanding heaters and stoves, nonmasonry fireplaces and fire place inserts: $74.00 $76.00. Method for providing positive combustion air must be provided with permit application.
(21) Solar heating systems: Permit fees for solar heating systems shall be one (1) percent of total valuation, with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
(22) Parking lots:
a. Permit fees for parking lots shall be one (1) percent of total valuation, with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00. No parking lot or loading and unloading area requiring approval under the provisions of Legislative Code sections 62.103 and 62.105 shall be constructed nor shall any existing unimproved lot be paved without first obtaining a building permit. Such lots shall not be used until the construction has been completed and approved by the building code officer.
b. No off-street parking lot or loading and unloading area shall be repaved, modified, reconfigured or enlarged without first obtaining a building permit. The permit fee shall be one (1) percent of the total valuation, with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
(23) Tank installation and removal as outlined in Sec. 55.10 (i).
(24) Other piping: Includes process piping and miscellaneous piping that is not otherwise regulated under the state plumbing or mechanical code. The fee for other piping permits: One (1) percent of the total valuation, with a minimum fee of $74.00 $76.00.
(25) Grading: For the placement, removal or movement of:
a. Up to one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of fill, $34.00 $35.00 for the first one hundred (100) cubic yards, plus $25.00 $26.00 for each one hundred (100) additional cubic yards or fraction thereof.
b. Between one thousand one (1,001) and ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards of fill, $251.00 $258.00 for the first one thousand (1,000) cubic yards, plus $21.00 $22.00 for each additional one thousand (1,000) cubic yards or fraction thereof.
c. Between ten thousand one (10,001) and one hundred thousand (100,000) cubic yards of fill, $430.00 $443.00 for the first ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards, plus $91.00 $94.00 for each additional ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards or fraction thereof.
d. Greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) cubic yards of fill, $1,254.00 $1,291.00 for the first one hundred thousand (100,000) cubic yards, plus $50.00 $52.00 for each additional ten thousand (10,000) cubic yards or fraction thereof.
(26) Vacant building rehabilitation permit: Two hundred eighty-three dollars ($283.00) Two hundred ninety-one dollars ($291.00).
Section 33.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 33.06. - Certificate of compliance.
(a) The building official may issue a certificate of compliance for any building or structure in Group R-3 or M occupancies when it is determined that such building or structure complies with the provisions of chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The fee required for inspection of the property and issuance of a certificate of compliance shall be four hundred sixty-nine dollars ($469.00) four hundred eighty-three dollars ($483.00) for a single-family dwelling and five hundred eighty-nine dollars ($589.00) six hundred six dollars ($606.00) for a two-family dwelling and shall be paid upon application for a code compliance inspection. In the case of vacant total remodel compliance, the fee shall be one hundred thirty-two dollars ($132.00) one hundred thirty-six dollars ($136.00) for single-family dwelling and one hundred fifty-two dollars ($152.00) one hundred fifty-seven dollars ($157.00) for a two-family dwelling. For vacant total remodel compliance, the fee shall be due upon approval of a total remodel agreement between the applicant and the department of safety and inspections and shall accompany an application for a demolition permit.
(b) The building official may issue a certificate of compliance for any building or structure in Group R-1 occupancy, as defined in the Minnesota State Building Code, when it is found that such building or structure complies with the provisions of Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. This fee, in addition to the certificate of occupancy fee, shall be six hundred eighteen dollars ($618.00) six hundred thirty-seven dollars ($637.00) for a three-family dwelling, six hundred forty-seven dollars ($647.00) six hundred sixty-six dollars ($666.00) for a four-family dwelling, and six hundred seventy-six dollars ($676.00) six hundred ninety-seven dollars ($697.00) for a five-unit building.
(c) There shall be no fee charged for the issuance of a certificate of compliance for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit.
(d) The building official may, without further inspection, issue a certificate of compliance for any building or structure which has been issued a fire certificate of occupancy, which issuance was based on an inspection under chapter 40 of the Legislative Code, within the previous twelve-month period.
Section 33.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 33.07. - Fences-Requirements.
(d) Variances. A variance of the fence height or corner clearance regulations may be granted if, after investigation by the building official, it is found that site, or terrain, or nuisance animal conditions warrant a waiver of the height restrictions. An application fee of seventy dollars ($70.00) seventy-six dollars ($76.00) is required for each variance request.
(f) Barbed wire fences. No barbed wire fence shall be constructed within the city limits of the city, except for police and correction facilities, unless the following conditions are complied with:
(1) No fence which uses barbed wire may be built in, or abut, a residentially zoned district or built on or abut a lot occupied residentially.
(2) Barbed wire, not exceeding three (3) strands, may be permitted on the top of a fence; providing, that the arms do not project over public property. The minimum height to the bottom strand of the barbed wire shall not be less than six (6) feet from finished grade.
(3) In all cases where a barbed wire fence is requested, an application shall be made to the building official.
(4) A certificate of insurance indemnifying the City of Saint Paul shall be submitted with the application subject to the approval of the city attorney as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 466.04. An annual registration fee of forty-one dollars ($41.00) forty-four dollars ($44.00) shall be paid at the time of the annual certificate of insurance renewal.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication.