Approving the application with conditions, per the Legislative Hearing Officer, for the application submitted by Local Legend Hospitality LLC, d/b/a Local Rumor (License ID#20240000988), for Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) licenses 1811 Selby Avenue.
WHEREAS, Local Legend Hospitality LLC, d/b/a Local Rumor (License ID#20240000988), located at 1811 Selby Avenue, has applied for Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) Class N licenses; and
WHEREAS, the applicant notified the District 13 Union Park District Council prior to their application; and
WHEREAS, a notification regarding the license application was sent from the Department of Safety and Inspections to the affected neighborhood for the period of June 14, 2024, to June 29, 2024; and
WHEREAS, during the notification period, objections were received which triggered the hearing and a hearing was held on July 11, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the objections were related to noise, food odor, parking, and safety; and
WHEREAS, in response to the concerns raised, the licensee has agreed to work with the city to comply with the necessary requirements to minimize nuisance activities that would disturb the surrounding residential neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, after conducting the hearing and considering the testimony, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the application for Local Legend Hospitality LLC, d/b/a Local Rumor (License ID#20240000988), 1811 Selby Avenue, be approved with the following conditions:
1. Licensee agrees to operate the establishment in compliance with Section 409.02 of the City of Saint Paul Legislative Code as a “Restaurant”.
2. Licensee agrees to close the establishment at 12:00 a.m. midnight. All patron/customers shall vacate the premises by 12:30 a.m. each day of the week as per Section 409.02 of the City of Saint Paul Legislative Code.
3. Signage shall be prominently posted at all entrances and exits to make patrons aware that when they leave the premises they are exiting into a residential neighborhood and should show respect and consideration for the residents.
4. Licensee agrees to limit the placement of table(s)/chair(s) on the public sidewalk to the area and number of seats shown on the approved sidewalk seating plan on file with the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) and Public Works.
5. Each year prior to the placement of table(s) and/or chair(s) in the public right-of-way (i.e., sidewalk), the licensee agrees to obtain a new Obstruction Permit from the Department of Public Works. Licensee agrees to maintain the sidewalk café in accordance with the conditions placed on an approved Obstruction Permit, acknowledges that an Obstruction Permit is effective on April 1 and expires on October 31 of each year, that table(s) and/or chair(s) may not be placed in the public right-of-way before or after the effective/expiration dates, and that a failure to comply with this condition will result in adverse action being taken against all of their licenses.
6. Licensee agrees to take appropriate action(s) to ensure that the sale, display, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is contained within the defined alcohol service area as per the approved plan on file with DSI.
7. Licensee acknowledges that compliance with Section 409.08 (11) of the City of St Paul Legislative Code is required, which includes construction of a visual screen separating the parking area from the residential use adjoining the east property line. Any required construction shall be done after obtaining applicable trades permit(s) and maintained thereafter in good order and repair.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned agreed-upon conditions and finds that the license conditions are reasonable, and the application is in order and there are no grounds to deny the approval of the licenses.
The Conditions Affidavit was signed and submitted on July 29, 2024