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File #: RES PH 24-103    Version: 1
Type: Resolution-Public Hearing Status: Passed
In control: Housing & Redevelopment Authority
Final action: 5/8/2024
Title: Resolution approving and authorizing the sale and conveyance of two HRA-owned parcels located at 729 Burr Street and 930 York Avenue; authorization to enter into development agreements; authorization to waive the subsidy cap; and authorization of expenditures for redevelopment; District 5, Wards 2 and 6
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. RFP Award Recommendation, 3. Map, 4. Public Purpose, 5. D5 Payne Phalen Neighborhood Profile.pdf
Related files: RES 22-1072, RES 13-1592, RES 13-1097


Resolution approving and authorizing the sale and conveyance of two HRA-owned parcels located at 729 Burr Street and 930 York Avenue; authorization to enter into development agreements; authorization to waive the subsidy cap; and authorization of expenditures for redevelopment; District 5, Wards 2 and 6


WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the “HRA”) is a public body corporate and politic established pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001, et seq. (the “Act”); and


WHEREAS, the HRA has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities under Minnesota law and the HRA is authorized to engage in activities relating to (a) housing projects and development, (b) removal and prevention of the spread of conditions of blight or deterioration, (c) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into compliance with public standards, (d) disposition of land for private redevelopment, and (e) improving the tax base and the financial stability of the community, and to engage in the aforementioned activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods; and is authorized to create redevelopment projects as defined in Minn Stat Section 469.002, Subd. 14; and


WHEREAS, on July 24, 2013, by Resolution 13-1097 the HRA Board accepted and approved the HRA Disposition Strategy Work Plan and Budget (“Plan”) to address the disposition of certain parcels of real property owned by the HRA; and


WHEREAS, on October 9, 2013, by Resolution 13-1592 the HRA Board accepted and approved key terms of the Plan’s Inspiring Communities Program (“Program”); key terms were revised and most recently accepted and approved on July 13, 2022 by Resolution 22-1072, which included a gross subsidy cap of $200,000 per unit; and


WHEREAS, on August 11, 2022, HRA staff released a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to solicit proposals for redevelopment of HRA owned real property in accordance with Inspiring Communities criteria, and analyzed proposals received; RFP responses were presented to the HRA Board of Commissioners on December 14, 2022; and


WHEREAS, two proposals, for the properties located at 729 Burr Street and 930 York Avenue (“Properties”), were received from Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services (“Developer”), these proposals are recommended for award along with a waiver of the per unit gross subsidy limit as set forth in the “RFP Award Recommendation” attachment, which includes the description of the real property, purchase price and development subsidy amount; and 


WHEREAS, the HRA Board held a duly noticed public hearing on this date relating to the sale of the Properties; and


WHEREAS, by this resolution the HRA finds a public purpose for the sale and conveyance of the aforementioned Properties.


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereby takes the following action:


                     1.                     The HRA Board hereby approves the Recommendations and authorizes the sale and conveyance of the Properties to the Developer on the terms and conditions described in the staff report and Recommendations.


                     2.                     The HRA Board approves the execution of development agreements with the Developer consistent with the approvals in this Resolution and Program requirements and which will contain applicable compliance requirements. The Executive Director is authorized to negotiate development agreements that are consistent with the intent of this Resolution and are approved by the City Attorney’s Office.


                     3.                     The subsidy expenditures from the Plan budget in the amount of $520,000 for the Properties are hereby approved and authorized.


                     4.                     The HRA Board hereby approves and authorizes staff, under the direction of the Executive Director, to take all actions necessary to carry out the activities authorized by this Resolution, including finalizing all documents and agreements necessary to effectuate the activities to be undertaken by this Resolution, subject to approval by the City Attorney’s Office.


                     5.                     The only signature that shall be required on any and all documents in connection with this Resolution, subject to approval by the City Attorney’s Office, is that of the Executive Director who is hereby approved and authorized to execute all said documents and instruments, which shall be sufficient to bind the HRA to any legal obligations therein.


                     6.                     This Resolution does not constitute a binding legal agreement; rather, the action taken herein shall not be effective until said documents are executed by the appropriate official(s) of the HRA.

Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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