Appeal of Special Tax Assessment for 796 CONCORDIA AVENUE for Project #: J1105G, Assessment #: 118013 in Ward 1
Property Address
796 Concordia Ave
Legislative Hearing Officer Recommendation
Delete the assessment per DSI.
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $200.00
Service Charge: $25.00
Total Assessment: $225.00
Gold Card Returned by: First Commercial bank
Type of Order/Fee: Summary Abatement-hauler
Nuisance: Weekly refuse removal
Date of Orders: 7.26.10
Compliance Date: 7.30.10
Re-Check Date: 8.2.10
Date Work Done: 11.03.10 & 11.10.10
Work order #: 10-914773 & 10-917864
Returned Mail?: Returned Mail Garbage Serivce 07-26-10 Whatiz (Circle Pines)
Returned Mail SA 10-06-10 Whatiz ( Circle Pines)
Comments: City provided fourteen weeks of refuse removal from 08.03.10 through 11.03.10
History of Orders on Property: Foreclosure that went back to lender.
Legislative Hearing Notes
LO for two weeks to March 1, 2011.
Ryan Gandrud, First Commercial Bank appeared.
Inspector Essling reported that 796 Concordia is regarding an assessment for weekly refuse removal provided by the City. The Notice was mailed July 26, 2010 with a compliance date of July 30, 2010. It was re-inspected on August 2, 2010 and found to be non-compliant. A Work Order was sent to Parks and the City provided weedly refuse removal at this property from August 6, 2010 through November 3, 2010 (14 weeks of garbage removal). First Commercial has appeared previously regarding assessments for garbage removal. This assessment of $225 is for two (2) weeks of refuse removal.
Mr. Gandrud asked when did the City notify Commercial Bank. Mr. Essling responded that the Bank was not notified; the previous owner, What's It Enterprises, was notified. As soon as the redemption period ended and the Bank took control of the property, then the City immediately stopped their garbage service. Mr. Gandrud asked why Commercial Bank is responsible for paying the assessment. Mr. Essling replied that the assessments go with the property and the City notified the owner at the time that the Notice was issued (July 26, 2010). The City is required to send the Notice to the owner listed with Ramsey County Tax Records. The City did take some steps to identify the lender through the tenants but were unsuccessful. Mr. Gandrud noted that the redemption date was September 25, 2010. Mr. Essling thought that Ms. Moermond, in a previous Legislative Hearing, had recommended deleting the assessments after the redemption period, but he needs to check on that.
Mai Vang reviewed the LH files and reported that Ms. Moermond had, at the last Legislative Hearing, recommended approving the first three (3) assessments and deleting the third assessment, which was $540 plus the $458 for removing mattresses on 10-18-10. The first three (3) were: 1) $225; 2) $425; 3) $525 for a total of $1,175.
Mr. Essling noted that he wouldn't feel comfortable recommending deleting the assessments. Will need to talk with Ms. Moermond to see which assessments she would have recommended deleting before and see which ones are left. We could recommend deleting any assessments after the redemption period. Mr. Gandrud asked the amount of the total assessments. Mr. Essling replied that it is close to $2,000 but Ms. Moermond had recommended after the redemption period but he thinks Ms. Moermond had recommended deleting some of them. DSI would recommend deleting the assessments after the redemption period but he thinks Ms. Moermond may have already done that.
Ms. Vang will recommend laying this matter over to March 1, 2011. Ms. Moermond may call, email or write.