Approving the City of Saint Paul Housing Action Plan 2010-2013.
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Housing Plan, a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, on February 18, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the Housing Plan and the Metropolitan Council call for the periodic preparation of a housing action plan; and
WHEREAS, staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) determined that a three year plan period is more appropriate than a one year period given the policy framework and goals provided in the Housing Plan and the recently-adopted HUD Consolidated Plan 2010-2014 as well as the fact that February 2013 is the deadline for having Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds committed; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Housing Action Plan 2010-2013 (HAP 2010-2013) is to report on the market context of City/HRA housing activities in 2010; outline the implementation actions to be undertaken by PED, including specific targets to be met over the course of the 2010-2013 period in furtherance of the broader strategies and policies outlined in the Housing Plan as well as in City Council Resolution #10-935 which commits the City to continue its participation in the Livable Communities Act; and foster coordination between PED and other housing organization partners; and
WHEREAS, the HAP 2010-2013 takes as given and incorporates two Neighborhood Stabilization Program Rebuilding Plans (NSP1 and NSP2) and Saint Paul Consolidated Plan 2010-2014, all plans approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
WHEREAS, PED staff has prepared the HAP 2010-2013 after considering the City’s forecasts, existing housing stock needs, land availability, and relevant market trends; and
WHEREAS, the HAP 2010-2013 Housing Steering Committee convened during June-October 2010 and developed the draft plan, and the steering committee included representatives from the City’s Department of Safety and Inspections; PED Housing, ISP/NSP, and Planning Teams; HRA board and City Council aides; Minnesota Housing; and the Saint Paul Area Association of Realtors, and
WHEREAS, a public comment period of October 15, 2010 through November 17, 2010 was provided for the draft HAP 2010-2013, including a public hearing notice provided through the City’s ENS list, a City website, and outreach opportunities offered to stakeholders with potential interest, including district councils; community development corporations; affordable housing advocacy organizations; housing developers, the local real estate community; and the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, and
WHEREAS, the HAP 2010-2013 will be updated annually to report on data about the housing market context as well as discussion about the City’s progress on the specified plan targets.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the Housing Action Plan 2010-2013 is approved.
Housing Action Plan 2010-2013
Project Profiles
City/HRA property inventory, 2010 (map)
Multifamily housing projects, 2010-2013, version 2010 (map)
City Council Resolution 10-935, acknowledging the City’s continued participation in the Livable Communities Act
See website (www.stpaul.gov/index.aspx?NID=4176) for:
Map of 2009 Housing Investments - Downtown & West Side sector
Map of 2009 Housing Investments - Northeast sector
Map of 2009 Housing Investments - Northwest sector
Map of 2009 Housing Investments - Southwest sector
Map of 2009 Housing Investments - Southeast sector
Map of 2009 Housing Sales - Downtown & West Side sector
Map of 2009 Housing Sales - Northeast sector
Map of 2009 Housing Sales - Northwest sector
Map of 2009 Housing Sales - Southwest sector
Map of 2009 Housing Sales - Southeast sector