Proclaiming June 21, 2011 to be known as Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Saint Paul in conjunction with the 6th Annual Beyond the Baby Blues Conference.
WHEREAS; pregnancy and postpartum (perinatal) mood disorders, which include depression, anxiety, obsessions and compulsions, mania, and psychosis, are pervasive but treatable illnesses which occur in approximately 1 out of 8 pregnancies and postpartum women; and
WHEREAS; perinatal mental health, or the emotional well-being of pregnant women, their child, partner and families affects women and families regardless of income or ethnicity, must be seen as a primary concern for the health and safety of all Minnesotans; and
WHEREAS, every untreated case of maternal depression in Minnesota is estimated to cost society at least $23,000 per year, in terms of lost productivity for both mother and child and increased health care costs; and
WHEREAS; research has shown that untreated perinatal depression and anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum negatively affects birth outcomes, infant development and is a stronger risk factor for child behavioral problems than smoking, binge drinking and emotional or physical domestic violence; and
WHEREAS; reliable, evidence-based methods for risk evaluation, screening, and treatment have been developed and could be adopted in by health and education providers; and
WHEREAS; provider education and public awareness regarding maternal mental health is a public health priority; and
WHEREAS; the need for accessible local, state, and federal resources for screening, assessment, referrals, and treatment for all childbearing families and their providers is great;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council in collaboration with Pregnancy & Postpartum Support Minnesota (PPSM), Postpartum Support International, Minnesota (PSI-MN), NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), Fairview Health Services, and the University of Minnesota School of Social Work, supports raising awareness, understanding and educational opportunities among providers, parents and other stakeholders of the perinatal mental health needs of women and their families, and supports the development of a community-wide care network; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council recognizes that June 21, 2011 shall be known as Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Saint Paul in conjunction with the 6th Annual Beyond the Baby Blues Conference.