Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 258 MARIA AVENUE. (File No. VB1803, Assessment No. 188802)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 12/5/17
Date of CPH: 01/17/18
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $2127
Service Charge: $157
Total Assessment: $2284
Gold Card Returned by: Andrew Lange called in
Type of Order/Fee: VB Fee
Nuisance: unpaid VB fee
Date of Orders: Renewal Letter sent on 6/30/17 and Warning Letter sent on 7/31/17
Work Order #: 10-614573, Inv # 1316360
Returned Mail?: No
10/18/2016: A new Seeger-only Code Compliance Inspection ($145) is required before permits can be issued under the ownership of Andrew Lange. This property will be entirely gutted. RS; 10/18/2016: DSI Code Compliance Inspection Fee Paid ($145- Seeger-Only); 10/31/2016: DSI Code Compliance Inspection Report Completed on 10/31/2016; 11/09/2016: A stucco permit may be issued. RS; 01/06/2017: Building Permit Issued; 01/23/2017: Electrical Permit Issued; 02/03/2017: Mechanical Permit Issued; 02/14/2017: Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping Issued; 03/07/2017: All permits may be issued under the ownership of Andrew Lange. Exterior building permits require HPC approval. RS; 03/07/2017: Warm Air, Ventilation & General Sheet Issued; 03/07/2017: Warm Air, Ventilation & General Sheet Issued; 06/30/2017: $2127 renewal registration fee due on Jul 30, 2017; 09/01/2017: Fee assessed 09/01/2017; 09/26/2017: DSI Code Compliance Insp-Elect.: Approved
AMENDED 1/17/18
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Collection of Vacant Building registration fees billed during January 4 to July 21, 2017. (File No. VB1803, Assessment No. 188802) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and
WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation for the City Council with respect to this assessment; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing having been conducted for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered financially satisfactory; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter, said assessment is hereby deleted, pending a code compliance is approved.