Public hearing to consider the appeal of Joseph Peris for Ryan Companies US, Inc. to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals to deny two variances pertaining to the building lot coverage and the car share space requirements in order to construct a six-story mixed-use building at 2170 Ford Parkway.
See attached Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Resolution
Required Background Information
The applicant is proposing to construct a six-story mixed-use building that will contain a grocery store on the first floor and
230 residential units above. The following variances are requested:
1.) The Ford Site Master Plan requires buildings in the Urban Center to have a minimum of 65% transparent glazing in the
bottom 12 feet of the building for portions of the ground floor not dedicated to residential units. 34% is proposed, for a
variance of 31%.
2.) The building height is limited to 65 feet in the F5 zoning district unless the building can meet the minimum interior
setback of 6’ and the minimum Right-of-Way setback of 5 feet plus an additional 10 feet for both setbacks. The applicant is
requesting a variance from this requirement in order to construct a 75 feet tall building, for a variance of 10 feet.
3.) A tower is proposed as a corner element that exceeds 75 feet in height, 90 feet is proposed, for a variance of 15 feet.
4.) The maximum lot coverage for the building is 70%, 90.3% is proposed, for a variance of 20.3%.
5.) Two designated spaces for car share vehicles shall be provided for properties with over 201 units, plus 1 additional
space for every 200 units over 200. Additionally, two spaces for car share vehicles shall be provided for parking lots with
more than 50 spaces for non-residential use, plus 1 additional space for every 40 spaces over 50. A total of 436 parking
spaces are provided, requiring 8 car share spaces; the applicant is proposing zero spaces for a variance of 8 car share
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Yes
If yes, when does the 60 days expire? July 24, 2020
Has an extension been granted? Yes
If so, to what date? September 14, 2020
Key Staff Contact
Tia Anderson 651-266-9086 or tia.anderson@ci.stpaul.mn.us