Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept donations to the Blooming St. Paul program.
WHEREAS, the City Department of Parks and Recreation helps to beautify the city through the Blooming Saint Paul program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through the Blooming Saint Paul program, provides garden maintenance services to various community groups and businesses with plantings in public spaces or on City property; and
WHEREAS, community groups and businesses are providing monies for these services and the purchase of horticultural material as follows:
9th Street Lofts $420 Hanging Baskets
Associated Dentists $360 Hanging Baskets
Dakota Building $560 Hanging Baskets
The Essex $700 Hanging Baskets
Friends of Mears Park $980 Hanging baskets and gardens
Friends of Wacouta Commons $335 Hanging Baskets
Golden Rule Building $1,260 Hanging Baskets
Great North Lofts $700 Hanging Baskets
Hamline-Midway Coalition $1,180 Snelling Ave. Planters
Highland Business Association $3,780 Watering Planters/Hanging Baskets
Hinding Heating $360 Hanging Baskets
Mancini's $180 Hanging Baskets
Markham Group $2,520 7th Place Hanging Baskets
Mississippi Market $180 Hanging Baskets
Ordway Center for the Performing Arts $15,000 Flint Hills Children's Festival
Pioneer Press $2,500 Blooming St. Paul Ceremony
Rice Park Association $4,000 Rice Park hanging baskets/planters
Rice Street Businesses/Dist. 6 $4,760 Rice street hanging Baskets
River Centre $650 Planters
Snelling/Selby Businesses $10,080 Hanging Baskets at Intersections
Summit Area Residential Preservation Assoc. $765 Planters
St. Paul Garden Club $3,225 Kellogg Medians
The Pointe Condominiums $280 Hanging Baskets
Upper Landing Association $3,240 Hanging Baskets and Gardens
Visit St. Paul Foundation $15,640 Hanging baskets throughout downtown
Wells Fargo $1,500 Hanging Baskets and planters
Total: $75,155.00
WHEREAS, the Blooming Saint Paul program serves a public purpose by beautifying public spaces and making them more attractive to visitors and residents; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept these donations for the purchase of services and products for the Blooming Saint Paul program and thanks the various community groups and businesses for their generous gifts.