Adopting the Hillcrest Zoning Code Study amendments to Chapters 64 and 66 of the Legislative Code.
WHEREAS, the Land Use Chapter of the 2040 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter, “2040 Plan”) identifies the former Hillcrest Golf Course site (hereinafter, “Hillcrest”) as an “opportunity site” which, under the 2040 Plan, are sites guided for redevelopment with “higher-density mixed-use development” or “employment centers with increased full-time living wage job intensity;” and
WHEREAS, in furtherance of the 2040 Plan, the City Council subsequently adopted Ordinance 19-39 which authorized the Saint Paul Port Authority to issue bonds to purchase Hillcrest and, further, set certain expectations for the redevelopment of Hillcrest as an opportunity site which would include the establishment of substantial industrial uses as employment centers; and
WHEREAS, the City, for the purpose of guiding redevelopment at Hillcrest, commenced a master planning process to identify future land uses and site layouts within Hillcrest in order to create a draft Hillcrest Master Plan (hereinafter, “HMP”); and
WHEREAS, on January 21, 2022, the Saint Paul Planning Commission (hereinafter, “Commission”), in Commission Resolution No. 22-10, also initiated a Hillcrest Zoning Code Study to consider amendments to allow freestanding signs for commercial uses in Hillcrest; to assess currently allowable building materials in IT Transitional Industrial zoning districts; and, to allow flexibility in the application of zoning regulations order to facilitate HMP goals; and
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2022, the Commission duly conducted a public hearing on a draft HMP and the following associated actions: an amendment to the 2040 Plan, certain zoning code amendments, and amendments to the City’s zoning map for rezoning purposes; and
WHEREAS, following the March 4, 2022, public hearing, the Commission reviewed the hearing comments and testimony and, following this review, the Commission recommended to the City Council and Mayor, approval of the draft HMP and the associated actions as set forth in Commission Resolution No. 22-21 dated April 15, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having provided notice of a public hearing before it and having conducted the same, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, and having considered all the testimony and recommendations received concerning the draft HMP and associated actions, including Commission Resolution No. 22-21, the memorandum of the Commission’s Comprehensive and Neighborhood Planning Committee and its rationale for the Commission’s recommendations, all of which the Council finds persuasive and thus hereby incorporates by reference into this action for the specific purpose of articulating the Council’s reasons and rationale for this action;
Section 1.
That the Saint Paul Code of Ordinances is amended as follows:
Existing language to be deleted shown by strikeout. New language to be added shown by underlining.
Chapter 64. - Zoning Code-Signs
Sec. 64.103. A.
Advertising sign. A sign whichthat directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment whichthat is conducted, sold or manufactured elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered as a nonaccessory sign except that an advertising sign on a professional sports facility with permanent seating for more than ten thousand (10,000) spectators shall be considered as accessory. Billboards are a form of advertising sign. Advertising signs located on transit stop stations, courtesy benches and newsracks are regulated under other chapters and are not subject to the requirements of this chapter. Sports facility sponsorship signs are a special type of off-premise sign and are subject to different regulations from advertising signs. A freestanding sign anywhere within a business park or industrial park that directs attention solely to businesses within the park is not considered to be an advertising sign.
Sec. 64.103. B.
Business park sign. A freestanding business identification sign at a primary entrance to a business park or industrial park under single management that directs attention to businesses within the park.
Sec. 64.401. - All signs.
(p) Business park signs. One business park sign is permitted per primary entrance to a business park or industrial park, not exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area and a height of fifteen (15) feet above ground level. This sign area is excluded from the maximum gross surface display area per lot.
Chapter 66. - Zoning Code-Zoning District Uses, Density and Dimensional Standards
Sec. 66.344. Traditional neighborhood district planning requirements.
(b) Master plan. For a contiguous area of at least fifteen (15) acres in traditional neighborhood districts, a master plan may be provided for review and recommendation by the planning commission and approval by city council resolution. The master plan may be already in existence, or it may be prepared by city staff or by the applicant or developer. A traditional neighborhood area for which a master plan has been adopted by the city council shall be designated as a T1M, T2M, T3M, and/or T4M district. The master plan may include additional regulations or provide specified relief from zoning regulations if the plan as a whole results in improved implementation of the comprehensive plan and of the zoning code’s intent. The master plan may include the following information.
Sec. 66.542. Required conditions in the IT transitional industrial district.
(a) Design standards. Development shall be consistent with the following design standards unless the applicant can demonstrate that there are circumstances unique to the property that make compliance impractical or unreasonable:
(3) Materials and detailing. Buildings shall be constructed of high-quality materials, including, but not limited to, brick, stone, textured cast stone, tinted masonry units, concrete, glass and architectural metal. The following materials are generally not acceptable:
- Unadorned plain or painted concrete block or panels;
- Corrugated metal, unless used as a limited architectural element rather than for entire walls;
- Reflective glass; and
- Vinyl, fiberglass, asphalt or fiberboard siding.
Building designs should seek opportunities to express the nature of the industrial activity within, in keeping with the other requirements of this section and respecting the necessary business functionality.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication.