Amending Chapter 90 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to deposits and charges for hydrant use permits.
That chapter 90 of Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows:
Chapter 90. - Water Code - Fire Hydrants
Sec. 90.03. Cash deposit required.
Applicants to whom permits are granted shall be required to make a cash deposit of one thousandfive hundred dollars ($500.001,000.00) in advance. The deposit is for the purpose of guaranteeing payment for water used, charges accrued and to cover any breakage or damage to the fire hydrant or meter. Upon return of the equipment issued to the permittee by the utility, said deposit, less charges against the permittee's account, will be returned to the permittee.
Sec. 90.04. - Charges for hydrant use permits rental.
(a) A charge of forty dollars ($40.00) plus all applicable sales taxes shall be applied will be made for each permit for each thirty-day period or fraction thereof. Such charge is to cover the cost of permit administration.
(b) A charge of ten dollars ($10.00) plus all applicable sales taxes for each thirty-day period or fraction thereof shall be applied will be made for each hydrant used by the permittee. Such charge is to cover the cost of inspection and ordinary wear and tear on the hydrant.
(c) In addition to the rental charge and any charge for breakage, aA charge for the volume of water plus all applicable sales taxescharge will also shall be applied made for all water usedaccording to the highest waterregular consumption rate. Measurement of water volumeused shall be by use of the hydrant meter issued to each permittee or by estimate if meter reading is unavailable or deemed inaccurate by the water utility.
(d) Charges for the water service base fee and right-of-way recovery fees, and other charges as may be established by city council plus all applicable sales taxes shall be applied and shall not be less than those applied to any retail water account.
(e) If the water utility approves issuance of a hydrant permit during the period from December 1 to April 1, an additional charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) plus all applicable sales taxes shall be applied will be made for each thirty-day period or fraction thereof. Such additional charge is to compensate for the cost of extraordinary inspection required when a hydrant is operated during winter months.
All other sections of Chapter 90 shall remain unchanged.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2014.