Harris: yes.
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]
Staff report by Supervisor Mitch Imbertson: is part of a Certificate of Occupancy
renewal process. Notified by the City’s licensing department around October 2021 of a
new license they were working on to issue a business license. They check with us to
see if it has a current Certificate of Occupancy as part of their process. We saw it was
due for renewal regardless on its standard 2-year cycle. I told them it was fine to
process the license and separately schedule our normal inspection. That was
November 2021. Since then, there have been a number of reinspections and
reschedules requested by ownership based on work being done. A number of the
items from the initial report have been taken care of. We have a much shorter list now
of a handful of items. Due to the length of time this has been ongoing and no progress
from the August and September reinspections it became necessary to revoke the
Certificate of Occupancy and a pending condemnation. This was discussed on site.
These items do include life safety issues, but we wouldn’t normally order a property
immediately vacated. It rose to this level due to the length of time. Fire Sprinkler
testing was needed, past due for that testing, which was more complicated due to test
due to the sprinkler contractor noting a drain needed to be relocated before it could be
tested properly. There were repairs needed based on the portion of the sprinkler test
they dd. There was a floor drain issue, but we need documentation of that. Electrical
work was done, and we needed a permit. The final items were labeling the door to the
sprinkler room and removing storage in front of the sprinkler controls. They are
approachable in a reasonable time frame, but it has been ongoing without compliance.
I’m not sure what the situation is as far as who is responsible for what repairs. The last
conversation I had with a rep for building ownership was prior to the revocation notice
on August 29. I spoke with Jeff Mesher, a maintenance person for the current owner.
He said he had been making an attempt to do the repairs but understood we would “do
what we would” and had difficulty getting access and coordinating between tenant and
contractors. We advised we were just looking for compliance and coordinating that
work is between them.
Moermond: the owner is Asian Goat, LLC?
Harris: correct.
Moermond: and that’s who you want to buy it from?
Harris : yes. I came to St. Paul and I didn’t know it was going to be a nightmare. I saw
him first in November, I told him I am buying this property. My building got burned
down on Lake Street. It took me 2 months to clean up that building. I wish you could
see; the neighbors love the property. I said go through the building, this is the owner’s
information, I don’t know what they had done. I called when he was standing there and
spoke to the owner and told him I wanted to get it done ASAP.
I have put a lot of money and my savings into the property, but I think we are buying
from Scam investors. They took a lot of money and told me they were doing those
things they asked for. I called him dozens of times. The lady that works there for me
told me he met with the owner, so I don’t know what was discussed. I’m always there,
or people are there. They want to put the blame on me, the owners. I’m always there 9
am to 6. I’m always here when you send someone. The last time he was there I was in
the area and I wanted a letter to give my attorney. 90 percent of what he said was
done. The drainage was cleaned. They came twice. The owner said they sent Mr.
Imbertson the receipt. The electrical people said they were going to submit everything.
I thought everything was done. I said the sprinkler people were here and were waiting