Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1654
EDMUND AVENUE. (File No. J2208B, Assessment No. 228107)
(Legislative Hearing on May 17, 2022)
Approve the assessment and make payable over four years.
Linda Sullivan, owner, appeared via phone
Moermond: we have two assessments on the agenda and then I want to talk to you
about some other things going on at your property and see if we can do a little problem
solving. The first item is a boarding assessment from December. [Moermond gives
background of appeals process]
Staff report by Joe Yannarelly: according to the police report they responded to an
attempted burglary on Monday December 27, 2021 at 8:54 p.m. They found the
dwelling open to entry and called in a contractor to secure on an emergency basis with
metal fasteners. Total proposed assessment of $532.
Moermond: you are appealing the cost of this securing, what are you looking for?
Sullivan: I feel like I’m being punished because someone robbed my house. There
were 2 girls and they were both caught. One had several warrants. The one was told to
come back on a Tuesday but she never showed up. The other was set to have bail
with these warrants against her and they have never seen her either. They were let
loose. I’m getting punished and they should be charged, not me. I heard from the
police officers say my yard was bad. I had six people clean my yard immaculately in
October, all of a sudden I’m getting these fees. They said they secured the building
yet squatters got in afterwards, so how secure could it be? they opened it up like a can
of tuna. I was in the hospital for 52 days and then sent to a rehab center and am now
learning to walk. There were times I worked 3 jobs to keep the house and I’ve tried to
make it look good from the outside. New windows, roof, siding, chimney. Now I get all
these bills, it isn’t fair. The squatters arrested 2 weeks ago should be charged some of
these too. My yard was clean.
Moermond: let’s take this one at a time. You have one assessment for securing the
house and one for cleaning up the yard. So the securing after the robbery. You’re
saying they should be held accountable; I don’t think you’re wrong. The City can’t do
that. It would be your responsibility to seek restitution for the cost of that. Or maybe
your insurance company.
Sullivan: I was unconscious and my insurance was coming due. I wasn’t able to pay
those bills and I had to put a freeze on everything because the robbers kept going
after everything. They spent 3 months’ worth of social security. They bounced six
checks. They changed my address and my number so they could get my social
security directly. What about the judge who let this girl go with all these warrants? The
judge should be responsible personally. I think this is really unfair. I am going to
address the City Council about putting vacant properties on mine. It is an open
invitation to these people.
Moermond: with all due respect, the sign indicating it is a Vacant Building didn’t go up
until April 22 which is four months after this incident. It isn’t relevant for this
assessment, though it may be moving forward. I hear you saying you are frustrated
with the Court system and your insurance had a problem since you didn’t make the
payment. I assume they cancelled your policy for nonpayment?