Granting the application of St Albans LLC to rezone property at 695 Grand
from B2 Community Business District to T3 Traditional Neighborhood District,
amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the zoning map,
and denying the rezoning out of the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District.
(Public hearing closed August 11)
Council President Brendmoen said they continued the public hearing to this week at
the request of Councilmember Noecker. Public testimony is inputted in Legistar.
There was some calls questioning if all the information is getting into Legistar.
Councilmembers look at them when they come in and when they are in Legistar.
Councilmember Noecker said there was a lot to read and think about with this. She
thanked everyone for their hard work on this issue. She knows the work it takes to
delve into these issues. She also thanked the developers. She will comment first on
the proposed rezoning in front of us. She believes the rezoning is appropriate for this
site. The current B2 zoning does not allow for mixed use development and Grand
Avenue is a mixed-use corridor. What is the best rezoning for this part of our City for
now and into the future because the rezoning will stay with the land? T3 zoning is not
appropriate for this site: 1) T3 is not consistent with the way the development has
developed. The closest T3 is Selby and Dale and Snelling and Grand, which is
obviously a different intersection than Grand and St. Albans. 2) Land use chapter
requires them to ensure that building massing, height, scale, and design transition to
those permitted in adjoining districts. Without the overlay district, it is difficult to see
how the proposed building would transition to the existing adjacent buildings. 3) the
rezoning is in conflict with the District 16 neighborhood plan. The staff report
acknowledges this inconsistency. All the mixed-use benefits can also be realized with
additional zoning. T2 has the same design standards with T3. There have already
been successful rezoning with T2. This project is extremely valuable project with the
neighborhood. This allows seniors to age in place. She would like to see the project
come back to us. They should be willing to make those tradeoffs. About the overlay
district, neighbors support increased density, but not on this scale. Since the district
was put in place 15 years ago, there have been 33 new mixed use buildings in Saint
Paul. Not one of them were constructed on Grand.
Brendmoen said there is a lot of information. She heard her mention an alternative
about lesser upzoning. Is she proposing a different level of zoning. Noecker said she
cannot suggest a new zoning right now. We have to approve or reject the current
Brendmoen asked if one wanted to go back to the drawing board for T2 zoning, what
does that take. Someone answered that it would go through the same process: new
application, zoning committee make a recommendation to Planning Commission,
Planning Commission make a recommendation to City Council. Planning Commission
is familiar with this case. Discussion would be just as great. Process may take 60 to
120 days.
Brendmoen asked if that is an option for people to explore. Every month is crucial with
development. 2 to 4 months is good to know.
Councilmember Jalali said she supports moving the process forward. They appreciate
mixed use development in the neighborhoods. She has overlay districts in parts of her
ward. Some of them are used to block things. It has impeded their ability to house
people. This project is about embracing vitality in Grand Avenue. There have been so
many articles about hos this is one of the main commercial corridors in the City.
There is a narrative that businesses are dying. The questions of why the businesses
are dying is because we are not supporting the growth that is needed. We cannot
allow on suburban people to drive in and spend money in the City. She recognizes