here in front of me as well.
Staff report by Supervisor Lisa Martin: Summary Abatement Order was issued October
11, 2024 specifically regarding outside storage and structures on the boulevard which
are not allowed, dispose of the lumber and building materials, carpet, concrete blocks,
flooring, unapproved plastic barrels, tree debris, tools, totes, scattered trash and
miscellaneous debris from the entire property. Compliance was for October 18. There
are photos in the file. Again, no previous appeal filed. No mail returned. We have an
extensive history here going back 17 years.
Lorvig Tsoumanis: I guess I didn’t realize it has been going on for 17 years but okay.
The last 10 years I lost my husband, had two small heart attacks, brain injuries that
make it difficult, dealing with an alcoholic sister. I’m not asking for sympathy, that’s
just how my life is. It takes a long time with a brain injury to figure out how ill you are to
feeling better so you can accomplish things. Try as I might I go forwards and
backwards. This spring I made good progress. I have zero dollars. Yes, I run a
handy-man business and I have guys but I have to pay them, even if they help me at
the house. Things take me a while. It is tough with everything else going on. I want to
bring my gardens back to what they were 10 years ago. I’m asking through the
summer to clear out the back yard. Some of it is for work inside the house, some of
the outside needs work also. I need time to get it to where it belongs. Some of it is for
handyman also. It will get worse before it gets better. After that I should be ablet o
keep things more under control.
Moermond: when I look at photos taken in October to those taken in December, I’m
not really seeing much of a difference. What were you working on?
Lorvig Tsoumanis: organizing and counting what I need to go into the house and I was
extremely busy with handyman during that time with furnaces and hot water heaters. I
do a lot of emergency work. Moving my sister in from her house, stuff comes in, she
brings more over. It is an evolving battle I’m trying to get a trip on. If I had money for
storage I’d do that. It isn’t an option now, neither is kicking my sister out.
Moermond: if I looked at photos of your house before October, how far would I go
back and see the same thing? I feel like it’s a long time. Giving through the summer is
delaying the inevitable. At the very least we need deadlines for certain parts to be
Lorvig Tsoumanis: I am ok with that.
Moermond: you mentioned a plan in your written statement. I need a proposal from you
on what you can get tackled and I’m going to say, we can look at deadlines on April 1,
May 1, and June 1 and you can give me what you will have done in each of those
periods. Could you do that by next Tuesday?
Lorvig Tsoumanis: two weeks would be better for my head.
Moermond: is there someone you can help you? It seems like the business you run
must have similar requirements to writing bids and things like that.
Lorvig Tsoumanis: I do and trying to do it for myself I turn into a complete no-nothing
housewife. You’d think I could be intelligent with this at home too, but it is a struggle.
Moermond: these deadlines are going to be real and if the deadlines are not met the
City will do the work for you and it will not be cheap. You need to figure out a path
forward to tackle this. This is the end of the line, it needs to be done.
Laid Over to the Legislative Hearings due back on 2/4/2025