Approving the application of University of St. Thomas, for a sound level
variance in order to present live amplified sound on August 29, 2024 at 2115
Summit Avenue - O’Shaughnessy Stadium.
Councilmember Kim moved approval.
6 -
Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie and Councilmember Jost
1 - Councilmember Johnson
Approving the application of Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church for a sound
level variance in order to present amplified sound on September 13 - 15, 2024
at 1900 Wellesley Avenue - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School.
Councilmember Jost moved approval.
6 -
Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie and Councilmember Jost
1 - Councilmember Johnson
Appeal of LaVonne Pine to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 1478
BLAIR AVENUE. (public hearing closed and laid over from August 28, 2024)
Laid over for two weeks to get clarity on ownership of the property.
Also in attendance: LaVonne Pine, appellant (via call-in)
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer: This is an appeal of a Vacant Building
Registration. Notice of registration was sent out following a condemnation of the
property due to an electric shut off, and the file was opened several days later. After
that, it was confirmed that the electricity was back on and one problem remained: the
person occupying the property is not a tenant with a lease and is not an owner. The
owners were Grady Randall, who passed in 2008, and Mary Randall, who passed in May
of 2023. A son was living in the property. The appellant is the son's former girlfriend.
Because she has no legal authority to be there, and this property has not been
probated and is not in foreclosure, there is no one with the legal right to engage in a
lease with her. Legally, it's kind of an abandoned property. The City can't allow an
ongoing occupation by somebody who can't legally be there. If the children of the
deceased haven't shown an interest in taking any steps to take ownership, so the
property is in limbo. I was told in the Legislative Hearing by the appellant that there is a
reverse mortgage in place on the property. If the mortgage holder were to foreclose on
that mortgage, there would be a one-year redemption period, drawing out the potential
timeline for resolution. I recommending that it be vacated by September 3rd. I made
that recommendation following the Legislative Hearing on July 12. This hearing was
delayed, as the occupant had trouble getting signed up to testify. We did a
continuance, and you may want to extend that deadline a little bit further since that