probably occurred about February 5th. I can’t give you a date. This friend owns a
home nearby and really knows his stuff about St. Paul. Evidently he thought it was
okay to move it to the apron. We both thought it was legal to have on my property,
not in the alley. Which is where you can see it in the photos. Next to the fence, next
to the garage. I still hoped someone would pick it up. I couldn’t put it into my garage
because it was full with 2 cars. I need to be able to get in and out easily in the winter.
I’ve had my Hyundai stolen twice off the street in front of my house and I used the
insurance payout the second time to buy a 2010 Prius whose catalytic converter was
stolen a month later because the precious metals in a hybrid are worth a lot to
criminals who evidently come from Minneapolis and comb the neighborhoods.
Therefore, I have to park in my garage. I have a pickup in there I keep plugged in,
otherwise I’ve already lost a couple batteries over the last 5 years. I only use it 6
months of the year. I attach it to a camper where I go out in nature to maintain my
equanimity and my mental health.
My husband managed all the typically male responsibilities regarding the property,
the garage, the upkeep of the autos, weeds, snow shoveling, garbage hauling. I
myself am a diminutive woman. I cannot lift more than 6 or 7 lbs. I have a hip
replacement planned for November. I have back arthritis. I can’t lift. I have no family
in the state. The closest family I have is Paris, France and a brother in Chicago who
doesn’t come here.
I have an adult son who is 36 years old. In 2021 he left graduate school six weeks
before completing his degree in occupational therapy, returned home suicidally
depressed, with a $50,000 school loan. He rarely leaves his bedroom. I have to
manage the taxes, bills, all household responsibilities while trying to get him
psychological help. He’s been through 4 therapists over 2.5 years. He has a
psychiatrist and doesn’t respond to drugs. In winter 2023-2024 my life was full to
bursting. I was a working half-timer practitioner at a geriatric practice in St. Paul in
addition to planning a philanthropic effort to Nepal where I bring health care teams. I
brought one in April for the whole month. I met the clinicians. I raised thousands to
pay for medications and new dental equipment and I arranged logistics in the rural
area where we provide care in Nepal. I did all that January through March. Then in
March I got Covid for the first time. I’m fully vaccinated, fully masked like a
madwoman for the first four years. I lowered my guard in my job and I probably got it
from a colleague. I was sick for 3 weeks despite taking Paxlovid. I continued working
most days and doing all the work so I could leave for Nepal on March 29, which I did.
We saw 900 patients and I covered---everything is my responsibility. My son is
dependent upon me financially and every other way. We are considering whether to
apply for SSD we’re trying not to do that so he doesn’t just become disabled for the
rest of his life. That is my story. Very ironically, when you took that desk I was so
grateful because I thought someone finally took it. I was so happy until I got your
letter recently.
I don’t see all the letters you send me. I think I saw the January one and that’s why
my friend moved it. It is hard for me to remember everything because I have so many
balls in the air. Everyone who knows me know I do a ton of things. I don’t sit around
watching TV. I don’t read books except studying medicine to keep my license. That’s
my life and I want to live in the City and I understand St. Paul has a strict code, and I
love it. Believe me. I think coding is really important and if you don’t code bad things
happen. I feel bad that this happened to me. I’m done with my part.
Moermond: a lot to unpack there. You shared a lot of personal and private medical
information and I would like to ask you, would you mind if we abbreviated that? I don’t
know we need to share that in the public record, unless you feel like it lends to your
argument. I wanted to flag that for you.
Frazin: I understand that. I’ve written a memoir about my daughter’s suicide, okay. I’m