Appeal of Lakeisha Lee to a Vacant Building Registration Requirement at 273
COTTAGE AVENUE WEST. (Public hearing continued to June 26, 2024
Legislative Hearing)
Vacant building fee waived for 90 days to August 23, 2024 and permits are allowed to
be issued once the Code Compliance Inspection Report is issued.
Also in attendance: Lakeisha Lee, appellant, appeared in person
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer: You heard the vacate order on this in
May and it was referred to the Vacant Building Program. This is an appeal of the
requirement to register for that program. The appeal asked for assistance with the fee
and reoccupying the property. My recommendation is waive the fee until August 23,
2024, require that the building get a Code Compliance Inspection Report (CCIR), and
require the items found on there to be addressed prior to reoccupation. We discussed
on a few occasions that the bill doesn’t need to be paid when the waiver expires. The
owner can let it go to assessment and payment over time can be discussed.
Lakeisha Lee: I wanted to make you aware that I have a claim open with Allstate. My
house has been insured for damage but I've been told no on numerous occasions
regarding my claims. I have not been told no on this current claim. I have an estimate
of $1,425 for repair for my roof. My family is still displaced. It’s hard to get help
repairing the home when I’m not living in it. Since we had to vacate, my house has
been broken into twice.
Council President Jalali: It sounds like you will have a 90-day waiver on the fee. Are
you supportive of that and does that make sense to you?
Lee: Yes. I need as much time as I can get.
Councilmember Kim moved to close the public hearing. Approved 6-0.
Kim: I appreciate the work on this and move approval of Moermond’s recommendation.
6 -
Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Kim,
Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and Councilmember Johnson
1 - Councilmember Yang
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 187 SEVENTH
PLACE EAST. (File No. VB2408, Assessment No. 248807)
Assessment ratified and prorated to cover 7 months.
Also in attendance: Greg Sofie, appellant, appeared via call-in.
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer: This is a tax assessment for one year in
the Vacant Building Program from August 5, 2023 – August 4, 2024. It left the program
in March and my recommendation is to prorate the fee to cover 7 months. That
reduces the amount from $5,000 to $3,400, aproximately. The owner was granted the
benefit of waivers on the fee in 2022 and 2023. The last fee was waived for 8 months