Council Public Hearing. (June 11, 2024 Legislative Hearing)
Refer back to LH July 9, 2024 at 9 am for update on status of cleanout, inspection
readiness, and partnership with a third party.
Dana Henjum, contractor, appeared
Sharon Compton, local court appointed guardian o/b/o owner, appeared via phone
Jesse McWilliams, interested party and son of owner, appeared via phone
Karen Kelly, Clark Co Nevada conservator/ guardian, appeared via phone
Terrill Judie, Clark Co Nevada conservator/ guardian, appeared via phone
Moermond: I know we talked last time about cleaning up the exterior and making it
Staff update by Supervisor Joe Yannarelly: it has been cleaned up and looks great
from the exterior.
Moermond: that’s great. What I was wanting to know more about is the status report on
what is going on. We have a house with heavy content.
Compton: heavy is saying it conservatively.
Moermond: many are personal items with limited value, and some do have value.
You’re in the business of making an inventory of those items. That is all a precursor to
doing an inspection
Compton: we’re trying to get the good items out of the house, off site, so we can make
progress. I have to get them appraised and auctioned. I have rented a storage unit to
move this stuff to. It is quite a bit of work just getting into the house. People are still
trying to break in. We have two people interested in becoming the third party to fix it
up. One is Tom and one is Dave. I spoke to Joanna about it. They’re coming in with a
couple of bids. Tom’s is basically to tear it down and rebuild. Dave is wanting to rehab.
We will be taking one of those. They aren’t as high as we like. One room alone is
waste deep in shredded newspaper. It is slow going. Dave would get the taxes paid and
then work to get it done.
Moermond: is it possible you are all there together and Mr. Yannarelly has the ability to
take photos of the way things are now. What I’m looking for are photos of how things
are now, so we can get progress reports on decreasing volume so I can show the
Council and have for the legal record that things are moving along. I can work with you
as long as I’m seeing progress.
We could get a progress report in a month from Joe.
Compton: we have a pretty good understanding of what needs to happen. We’re also
trying to work on this from the financial end. I’m trying to find people who can hold their
bills until we get to the end versus Nevada having to keep shelling out money to keep
going. I’m going to carry as much as I can, so I’m anxious to get it done as well.
Everything in there is an antique. The stuff was nice at one time. You have to sort
through what is valuable, what is garbage, what is burnt. We want to be sensitive to
Mr. McWilliams and also that nothing is disappearing. So I need to trust who is
cleaning it out that it won’t get stolen. We’ll get there.
Hejum: both Tom and Dave understood the good items would be removed and they’d
deal with the dumpster items. Things that are destroyed. There is no damage in the