was referred to Vacant Buildings by Code Enforcement due to garage and dwelling
being breached and a severe rodent infestation (squirrels). Vacant building files were
opened on February 2, 2023. A fire occurred at the property on October 8, 2023 which
did significant damage to the second floor and attic space. The current property owner
is Gary J. McWilliams, per Amanda and Ramsey County Property records. The
property owner is currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada and has a guardian assigned to
his care.
On March 6, 2024, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies
which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An
Order to Abate a Nuisance Building was posted on March 13, 2024, with a compliance
date of April 12, 2024. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which
comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. Taxation has placed an
estimated market value of $107,800 on the land and $324,400 on the building. Real
estate taxes for 2019 through 2023 are delinquent in the amount of $31,236.08.
Property is scheduled for tax forfeiture on July 31, 2024. The vacant building
registration fees were paid by check on March 7, 2024. A Code Compliance Inspection
was applied for on April 23, 2024, but has not yet been done. The $5,000 performance
deposit was posted on April 5, 2024.
There have been five Summary Abatement notices since 2023. There have been 19
work orders issued for: garbage/rubbish, boarding/securing, tall grass/weeds and
snow/ice. Code Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this structure
exceeds $200,000. The estimated cost to demolish exceeds $40,000.
Moermond: February 2023 it went into the program. 8 months later there’s a fire. From
the Fire Report it appears those were squatters who had gone in and likely started the
Yannarelly: correct.
Moermond: and that is a pattern from break ins based on the report and number of
boardings. The tax value seems to be a pre-fire value?
Yannarelly: yes, that is my assessment.
Moermond: we have the Code Compliance applied for and Performance Deposit
posted, that is positive. You have 19 work orders issued since it went into the program
a little more than a year ago. That is quite a few. I’m wondering what precedes March,
and what is after?
Yannarelly: 5 boardings in October, 1 in November, one in January, 4 in February and
one in March. March 5th. Since then, no more boardings.
Moermond: Department of Safety & Inspections is estimating the cost of rehab
exceeding $200,000 which makes sense given it’s a duplex with fire damage. That’s
the minimum. The cost to demolish exceeds $40,000 and I’m thinking that’s low due to
the fire damage and that is more expensive.
Yannarely: there’s some salvageability that may be taken into play too, like the bricks.
It will be an expensive demo.
Moermond: Ms. Compton you are representing Gary McWilliams. Are you the one who
has posted the Performance Deposit and ordered the Code Compliance?
Compton: yes, through the funds from Nevada.