If CCIR ordered and $5,000 PD posted by April 24, refer back to LH May 28, 2024 for
review of work plan, bids, and financing.
Kyle Runbeck, owner, appeared
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]
Moermond: I have Runbeck and Sons, LLC as the owner. You are?
Runbeck: Kyle Runbeck, it is me and my dad.
Staff report by Supervisor Joe Yannarelly: the building is a two story, wood frame,
single-family dwelling with a detached one-stall garage on a lot of 5,084 square feet.
The Fire C of O was revoked on November 14, 2019. The property was referred to
Vacant Buildings with files opened on December 2, 2019. The current property owner is
Runbeck and Sons, LLC, per Amanda and Ramsey County Property records. On
December 21, 2023, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies
which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An
Order to Abate a Nuisance Building was posted on January 8, 2024, with a compliance
date of February 7, 2024. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which
comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. Taxation has placed an
estimated market value of $20,000 on the land and $152,600 on the building. Real
estate taxes are current. The vacant building registration fees were paid by check on
December 15, 2023. As of March 25, 2024, a Code Compliance Inspection has not
been done. As of March 25, 2024, the $5,000 performance deposit has not been
posted. No Summary Abatement Orders have been issued since 2019 and no word
orders have been issued. Code Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this
structure exceeds $75,000. The estimated cost to demolish exceeds $30,000.
Moermond: a building that has been sitting empty for 5 years. We have the last set of
orders the Fire Certificate of Occupancy inspector wrote.
Yannarelly: I know it said it was missing drywall. Not sure if it was down to the studs.
No permits. Photos in referral.
[discussion about how the estimated repair cost is done]
Moermond: you want the building back online. It strikes me that you have owned this
building not generating income, you’ve been paying taxes and Vacant Building fees. It
isn’t providing housing or income. That is expensive. Often people want to get it off
their books and productive again. Is that where you are at?
Runbeck: yes, we want to rehab it. Being changed from a 2 to a 3, I’ll have to do it this
year. I’ve been putting it off because I was living in Milwaukee before my divorce. I’m
back here now.
Moermond: we would love to move forward and send our letters to you by email. If you
sign in we can do that. That means you get the letters immediately. What have you
done so far? Have you talked to any contractors?
Runbeck: I have a contractor who says he will have availability to give an estimate.
Right now, it is mostly surface items like redoing trim and doors. Putting in floors in
the kitchen and bathroom. Cabinets in the kitchen. Shouldn’t be too much.
Moermond: so tenants left it in rough shape.
Runbeck: after I do whatever needs to be done, we’ll probably change it. We bought it