Martin: Clearly the photographs of all of the vehicles with the plate numbers are listed
in the file showing that they are inoperable. If they're not gone, these are the vehicles
that were starting with that will be towed off the property and bill back to the property
and then we're going to go with the next 10 vehicle. We will continue to make sure that
it is clear. There's about 70 vehicles that will need to be removed.
Radunz: I'll tell you what, I'm being honest here, I'm supposed to be closing (on
another property) in less than a week. We are packing things, we're moving. Please, I
am begging you people. Where I'm holding the vehicles is an hour in the wrong
direction. I have a property inked. I'm moving there. Please give me a week or
something. Like I said, I'm moving things again today. You understand?
Moermond: I understand that you made a commitment to have it done already. What
we have is 4 vehicles listed in the order. Those are 4 vehicles out of what's been
described between 55 and 70 vehicles on this residential parcel. That is a very small
number of vehicles to get this process started of removing them. If you are removing
vehicles as you described, I don't know why these 4 can't be prioritized to be the first
ones removed from the property so that you're not looking at a situation where the city
is going to tow them and charge you for the cost of towing and storing at the police
impound bought. This seems pretty easy to me. Why are you are finding this so
Radunz: I have moved 2 vehicles. I am in the process of moving the other 4. Like I
said, what I am trying to do is avoid a 3-hour additional $100 per vehicle trip. I
understand you're going to tow them ,all but I'm trying to tell you that I have purchased,
another property and I was supposed to close today. However, the closing got delayed.
I'm going to be moving everything out of here, I'm gone. What I’m asking is that City
listen instead of demanding everything. When this all started, when everything started,
I was having my foot cut off. I understand this problem. But please understand that on
6/26 I had my foot cut off. I can still drive it and doing things. 2 vehicles have been
removed out of here and I have one more on the trailer, and the other ones are ready to
go. If somebody drove by and looked they can see things have been moved around.
What I'm asking for is and when I tried to ask for it in the last hearing, and nobody
listened to the fact I have a new property inked. It is set to close. It was supposed to
close today but there was issue with the title company right now. I am moving out of
Saint Paul. I'm trying to make this as effect of and cost efficient as possible. We are
packing the house right now. If you put yourself in my position, I understand this
problem and you don't think that I'm doing anything, I am. If you drive by here and
look, you can see that things are dramatically they've been moved around, so that we
can do what we need to do. I don't know what else to say. I know we have the hearing
tomorrow. Like I said, I have one vehicle that is on the trailer now. I thought the
Cadillac being license and whatever, however, what I don't understand about the whole
thing is for years this place has been what it is. I know there's too many vehicles here.
I've said it all along with me being hospitalized and not being able to run the business
and other factors that's what happened. One last thing that I would like to say is, if you
will put a dot in my little circle here, anywhere on the block, there is not one property in
this whole neighborhood that is compliant. I'm under the understanding right now, this
one vehicle or 70 vehicles, everybody in the neighborhood to be compliant, am I
Moermond: We're talking about your property and honestly, the reason we're talking
about, and this was discussed at council, as well in the previous legislative hearing, is
that your property was flagged as having significant problems by fire or EMS. They
wrote a report and said to the Department of Safety and Inspections, this guy is in
trouble. His property is in terrible shape and there's so many vehicles on the property
were having trouble navigating to provide him with the necessary services that he
needs. That's a very long time ago and you did describe how you have employees who