There have been nine Summary Abatement Notices since 2021. There have been
seven work orders issued for: garbage/rubbish and boarding/securing. Code
Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this structure exceeds $100,000.
The estimated cost to demolish exceeds $30,000.
Moermond: a Code Compliance done in 2022. Anything of interest in that inspection
Mr. Zane? It was following a fire.
Zane: I’m just reviewing it now.
Sauer: My client is Penny Mac Loan services, LLC but I’m also here o/b/o Mortgage
Electronic Registration and HUD, their interest is the same as Penny Mac’s mortgage.
So my direct client is Penny Mac, but I’m also connected to MERS and HUD. I was
retained and discovered through these few weeks that the owner, Andrea Roark, she
was occupying and filed a claim after the fire, that was approved. She hired Rest Pro to
do the rehab, they’re claiming to have done 56k in the property so far, I’m trying to
verify what work was done. I’ve been told by them the roof was completed, a lot of
demolition. They demoed more than they were supposed to per the insurance
company. There is a dispute between the insurance company, owner, and Rest Pro. I
do know my client is holding insurance proceeds that are kind of pending because of
that dispute. Rest Pro is seeking payment from my client on the work they had done.
Trying to see what they did for 56k. the roofing should have been done according to
them, I don’t represent them but they said that was done and permits were pulled. I
located Ms. Roark, she moved to Nevada temporarily. She is interested in continuing
to rehab and occupy. Because of that she is working with my client in terms of
permissions and access to property. Normally a lender without possession it is
difficult, this may be different in the owner and lender may work together on this one to
align their interest. She has answered calls, but she didn’t appear today obviously. We
have a contractor retained to give an estimate. This will be a different contractor, not
Rest Pro. She’d like to proceed and put the Performance Deposit in place and proceed
with the rehab. Because of that litigation with Rest pro and our new involvement with
the process and potential limitation on access I was requesting to hold this over for 90
days while we complete the estimate, pay the Performance Deposit and get something
in place with the owner that gives us the right to improve the property. I do have a
document from Rest Pro that claims to list the work that was done. I have no way to
confirm if that work was done, and I’m questioning that. I believe they are filing a civil
lawsuit, a mechanics lien. To the extent they can prove some work is done, we may
compensate for some as long as it was code compliant and the roof was signed off by
the City. It is essentially a shell right now that needs to be finished. I have invoices
from a plumber and electrical company that claim they did electrical work, but it is a
lot of studs. There was a new support beam put in place I have photos of.
Zane: no building inspections done, there is a permit pulled. There is a plumbing
permit that has expired, and electrical. They did have rough ins done. It is just over a
year old.
Sauer: I would agree circumstances have changed since the time of the last Code
Compliance Inspection Report.
Yannarelly: could they do a building only?
Moermond: no, because the electrical was just to reconnect. It isn’t work inside the
Sauer: it is just rough in—