between 9 and 10:30 we’ll reach out to you to discuss this pending assessment.
Laid Over to the Legislative Hearings due back on 7/20/2023
RLH TA 23-266
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1999
CLEAR AVENUE. (File No. CG2302A1, Assessment No. 230108)
Approve the assessment.
Fannie Pen, owner, appeared via phone
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]
Staff report by Clare Pillsbury: the property owner stated they were not living in the
property during this time period. City records show an Unoccupied Dwelling Registration
Form was submitted on February 13, 2023. Hauler confirms the Unoccupied Dwelling
Registration Form submitted was applied to the account on February 17, 2023. The
current assessed amount is for service for a 64-gallon cart from January 1, 2023 to
February 17, 2023. The property owner was charged $55.61 for service, plus an
additional $10.77 late fees. The first late fee of $5.21 was added based on the original
invoiced amount of $104.26 and the other two late fees of $2.78 were added after the
Unoccupied Dwelling Registration Form was applied to the account. Hauler records do
show that the property owner contact Waste Management regarding a vacancy request
on January 11, 2023. However, the property owner never filled out and submitted the
Unoccupied Dwelling Registration Form that was sent to them that day. Therefore, staff
recommends approving the assessment.
Moermond: why are you appealing, Ms. Pen?
Pen: I don’t want to pay because I don’t have any trash to pick up. Nothing was ever
picked up. The City didn’t do any work, why did they charge me money? I don’t live in
that house. Why would I pay something they didn’t provide service for? If I live in the
house I know I have to pay, but I pay trash at the house I live at already. I rented a
dumpster, I was remodeling. Why would you charge me money for no service?
Moermond: it looks like you had a conversation with the hauler at the beginning of
January about the fact no one was living there and they told you to fill out a form to
make the bill go away. It took you 5 weeks to get that form turned in, why did that take
so long?
Pen: I did what they told me. I am not living there.
Moermond: who was living there?
Pen: no, I bought the property from the owner and they moved out the day I closed.
The City was supposed to have a record I bought it and it wasn’t up to par because it
was so dirty. I had to hire someone. It was difficult to get workers. It is finally almost
done, then I am selling.
Moermond: you bought it September 21, 2021, is that right?
Pen: maybe. It was 2 years ago.
Moermond: you’ve had it 2 years and you’ve been working your way through fixing it?
Pen: yes.