popping my tire at 3 in the morning while I am asleep, but I know that they did it.
There's black mold all over the ceiling. I just can't begin to start naming a list of
problems the basement flooded completely. We're told we can't use our bathtub
because it floods in the downstairs unit. Where in my lease does it say I can’t take a
bath? I think that's up to you to be fixing that.
Miracle: There is no ventilation in the bathroom so, it's really steamy and everything
is just dripping in the bathroom, and the towels are damp. We are told that there's no
ventilation in the house and that it's hot and moist and that no air circulates
anywhere. Their response was to just open the window. It was wintertime and also
the windows are literally like hip level, well the one of the bathroom is, so if I'm
showering and the window is at hip level you can see stuff.
Waters: You should have privacy in your own bathroom, and not to mention because
there's no ventilation, so there's mold because if there's going to be heat there is
going to be moisture, and there is going to be darkness, and that's where mold loves
to be. All they do is cover it. The house itself, the floors are caving, and it is probably
due to the moisture, and there are also splinters. We can't even walk in our house
without sandals on because we're going to get splinters and our cat also gets
splinters. We have to pull splinters out of her feet weekly from that. We've ended up
just keeping our cat in her own room so that that doesn't happen anymore. But that's
not something that we should be having to do. I shouldn’t be making all these
compromises at all. The most recent was the attic, and our original lease we were
allowed to store in the attic and basement. I don’t know when that changed. When we
moved in, the tenants that we're downstairs they didn't have their things in the
basement because the condition of the attic and the basement were both terrible, and
everything was open to the outside. This house is not sealed from the outside and so
there have been, ants, wasp, roaches, mice, and even a rat. We can't get our (AC)
unit to get below 80 degrees right now because the circuitry is bad in the house. Also,
it will not allow to have more than one AC unit running at once. You can’t plug in a
vacuum and have the AC on at the same time. If I want to clean my house, I have to
do it at a 90-degree heat or have the TV on. Things must be turned off. Combined
with the fact that I'm only allowed to have one AC running and the houses isn’t sealed
it, it's hot, it's miserable. It's literally unlivable, our food that is in our pantry goes bad
within a day or two. All our produce and fruit get rotten because it's so hot. Last year
on October 16th, I believe it is the date by law that the heat has to be able to be
accessed by the tenants and it has to be on, and they didn't do it. They're the ones
who sent out the email saying, that by law we must have it on by this date and didn't
even do it until 2 days later. At that point, you're just breaking the law. We are being
disrespected at this point and traumatized to be honest with you. I haven't seen a
single person from Housing Hub except for the maintenance man since we moved.
Their office has been closed the entire time due to COVID which okay I get it but if
the doctors’ offices are open and masks are optional don't even use that as an
excuse anymore. You're not doing your job and you just don't want people to have
access to that because every time I call, I never get a call back even though they say
they're going to. Recently, we were trying to renew our lease and a man name Steve
sent us a link. I said, hey it's not working can you give me a call so we can figure this
out, didn't call back. I leave a voicemail instead we got a text back. You don't get a
call back from these people, but you'll get a text. It's like dealing with the high school
lunchroom. I'm an adult that wants to get this problem solved. I can't do it whenever
you feel like texting me, answer the phone, and get this problem solved. Still to this
day we had to mail in a copy of the lease, and they said don't worry about it we got
this and that it's fine. I have that text right here and then they just sent us another one
through the portal saying they didn't get it. This is the most recent things, which feels
like everything we do involving them is 10 steps long. I don't know why they think that
they should have any sort of increase because of housing services that they're
providing. They're not providing the ones that by law they should be providing and not
only is this illegal and they're practices are wrong. I'm traumatized when these people
walk in the room because what they represent to me and what I've gone through