When I was at the Credit Union, I just want to get the power turned down and I should
have gotten new bank statements. But the banker was arguing with me. I took my
battles when I could get them. He understands what the City needed to see. He was
backing up uncle Carl. Yesterday, it dawned on me I should have probably pursue that
the next couple days to get that taken care of. That’s my fault, I apologize. We do
have the account numbers, but Iike [Joan] said that probably doesn't mean anything. I
had a conversation with Karl last night. I will get that over to you by the end of the
week. We'll get you the new account statements. There is also a checking account
and a couple money market account that is pulling his funds from. I will figure it out
and get those over to you.
Moermond: Okay. What do you think about how you're going to tackle him, paying
these trades people's bills? Are you foreseeing issues there? Cause I kind of do. I'm
wondering if you do and what kind of thought you've given on how you're going to
approach that situation.
Ms. Savasten: I don't see any issue, Dale, do you? We've been very upfront about
everything, and he's been very agreeable.
Mr. Savasten: Yeah, he’s been very aggregable.
Ms. Savasten: And you showed him all the numbers. So, he's not surprised by
anything. We're not keeping him; we’re being very upfront.
Mr. Savasten: Even last night, we had a conversation for 2 hours on why things cost so
much money and showing him what all the contractors are telling us. So, he is fine with
Moermond: All right, we have an update is schedule, and we have an updated financial
affidavit, but we need the account information. We have a bid for the wall, a bid from
Carpi Mechanical, and then Retro Electric. Those are done. I know that you folks are
doing a lot of the building items outside of that retaining wall on your own. Are you
doing all the ones on the code compliance list? And I know that you were
deconstructing, shall I say so that some items and the code compliance wouldn't need
to be done. Can you talk a little bit more about how you're tackling that list? If there's
an outside contractor involved that we would need to see a bid for?
Mr. Savasten: So, all the finish work and stuff we're doing ourselves. The last big one,
Mitch, with Good Guys Plumbing. Because again, we had a contractor a plumber that
we work with in the south metro and he decided that because we missed our start
timeline, he just said it wasn't worth it. He gave me this gentleman's name and he lives
in Saint Paul and works in Saint Paul. Anyhow, he's met with the City Inspector, the
plumbing inspector twice now. I was really pushing him to pull the permit yesterday
before our meeting, but his insurance has to be updated with the City. He is dealing
with his plumbing insurance right now since it wasn’t up to date with the City. So that's
why that permit has not been pulled yet. Will, at Retro pulled his permit yesterday, and
Ryan, with Carty Mechanicals pulled his permit.
Moermond: Okay, I am going to roll you back on the permit situation. Here is the deal
that a warm air permit was issued to Carp in error. Yeah. And then they have another
permit, a mechanical that’s under review, it’s a gas permit. Here's the thing, until the
City Council gives you a grant of time to do the work, you are not going to be able to
pull permits. The one has left to the gates, and it could be canceled. I guess I would
ask the department not to do that, and to just let it sit. But you procedurally should
have your house in order. Here, in the hearing process before you get your permits. I
hate to put us in a position, and I don't think we're there. But where the city has issued
permits for a house that the council has and voted to not demo. You know, let's get
that vote taking care if so, you have your time and then do the next step up getting the
permits pulled and executing on the work side of it, which I can work with you to get
this on as quickly as possible.
Mr. Savasten: Yes, I misunderstood that, and I apologize for that. That's why I was
pushing hard to get these guys to get permits to get moving because we do have a
timeline to get out of this house very quickly. That's why I am pushing hard to get this.
Whatever we need to do to get you guys and The Council approval to move forward, I
guess quickly. If its account numbers, I guess we will get on that today and drop what