grass and should be compensating him for damage to the lawn. He wanted the
assessment decreased because of that. This issue is not in front of you. I indicated
that the proper venue for pursuing that would be to file a claim against the city, and
that the special assessment process is focused on recouping costs due to the
nuisance abatement. Another issue that was raised, which is also not in front of you,
is related to the excavation work at the property relating to the mound of dirt being
pulled away from the foundation. I am under the impression from the hearing that
there is a difference of opinion between Code Enforcement and the owner on this. As
I said, that is also not before you today and I do not have an order under appeal for
that. All that is in front of you is the $322 assessment for dealing with the tall grass
and weeds.
McLane: The city code is unclear when it defines grass being over 8 inches. Is it
talking about individual blades or the accumulation? I don't see anything during this
meeting that better defines that. Also, buffalo grass is grown more than 8 inches with
every grass blade. Why is that not enforced by code? Not seeing a reason why this
was an abatement. This should never have been done and the grass should still be
alive today. Because this happened during a drought and the grass was shaved to
less than one inch, it then died. Now I'm being charged for an abatement that
shouldn't have happened.
Council President Brendmoen: Is there any specific ask you're making?
McLane: I'm also working with the capitol region water district for the area that was
cut near the boulevard to turn it into a rain garden, to direct storm water to a
collection area where grass would be over 8 inches. This is something I am working
on for next spring.
Councilmember Jalali: From my understanding, it is perceptible that the grass was in
violation of code. The city did notice and ask for it to be cleared. That did not happen
for quite some time and then the city did have to do work to bring it into compliance.
That work had been performed and has a cost associated with it which need to be
recovered. Understanding that the appellant is not satisfied with what he argues are
damages, the best thing for him to do would be to follow Moermond's
recommendation regarding a claim. That is a separate matter. I would also
recommend that maintaining your lawn the way you would like within the code is the
best way to prevent this happening in the future. I'm glad to hear about plans for a
rain garden, and my office is happy to help with that if you would like. I move the
recommendation of the Legislative Hearing Officer.
7 - Councilmember Brendmoen, Councilmember Tolbert, Councilmember
Noecker, Councilmember Prince, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember
Yang and Councilmember Balenger
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will receive a combined public hearing and be
enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. Items may be removed from the
Consent Agenda for a separate public hearing and discussion if desired.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Councilmember Noecker moved approval.
Legislative Hearing Consent Agenda adopted as amended