Staff report by Supervisor Leanna Shaff: this was a referral January 5, 2021 it was
being rented. Mice and roach infestation. Inspector Franquiz went January 7. Both
units answered, he was told the upstairs tenant was father of daughter downstairs.
Owner lives in WI. February he got a call from the owner asking for more time. March
owner wanted another inspection because he is out of state and had no one to give
access. Still no provisional Certificate of Occupancy. He got access to both units in
April. Mice droppings. No working smoke alarms. It was pretty bad. He did get a
provisional application. On the 29th of April 2021 he was allowed access again. Smoke
alarms were installed outside bedrooms. We have a new owner in July, guessing Mr.
Olson. New deficiencies and needs action. Met again later in July. This is all 2021. We
just have a lot of trouble getting access. November 2021 he met the owner and was
given access. Entire house was unoccupied. Owner’s plan was to fix and rent out. He
has been informed of the revoked unoccupied process of about 90 days, then it would
be referred to Vacant Building program. I took this file on earlier this summer when Mr.
Franquiz left the City. August 2 I spoke with Mr. Olson, and emailed again in July, and
he assured me it would be done quickly. August I told him September 1 compliance or
it was going to Vacant Building as a Category 1. He told me everything on the list was
done and I explained he had open permits and I wouldn’t’ inspect without those permits
finaled. No compliance by September 1. September 8 still no compliance, so I referred
to the Vacant Building program.
Staff report by Supervisor Matt Dornfeld: September 12, 2022 Inspector Hoffman
opened a Category 1 Vacant Building per that referral. He noted it was vacant and
secure at time of inspection.
Olson: I don’t dispute those fact. Inspector Shaff is accurate in all of that. Right off the
bat I have to own that we did do a much larger renovation and pulled permits for the
entire building. Those are closed as of September 13. A lot more work than the list
from the Fire Inspector. I inherited that from the previous owner and they were simple
things to do. We could have just cleared the list when we purchased and then started
renovation and doing things twice. We decided to do the renovation and it took a lot of
time. We bought November 30 2021 and the final permit just got closed. It could have
been done quicker. It hasn’t been occupied.
Basically, my appeal is I think Inspector Shaff and I had clear communication. I
appreciated she called me early August and said I want to get this done by September
1 and off the books. We did complete the orders. I asked for a reinspection and she
said I needed to close the permits. I had no problem with that. That was a couple days
before the end of the month. I gave the electrical inspector the wrong code, and then
he went on vacation. So that was 2 weeks there. Potentially I could have
communicated more with Leanna. I gave him the wrong lockbox. I was very surprised
with just clearing a couple permits it would be sent to the Vacant Building program.
Shocked by that. I didn’t feel it was in the spirit. It isn’t a problem property. It is set up
to be a good property for a long time. I don’t think she has every visited the property.
I’ve requested inspections a few times. I get not wasting her time. I just do think it was
clear I had to clear permits for the whole renovation when 80% doesn’t apply to the
other orders.
Moermond: when did you buy it?
Olson: November 30, 2021 from George Richie.
Moermond: and I see a letter sent November 30, 2021, indicating the Certificate is
revoked with an order to vacate. They gave to February 28, 90 days, to deal with those
corrections. I am wondering how you are surprised it was referred to the Vacant
Building program when this order existed 11 months ago. This isn’t new.