City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg
City of Saint Paul
3rd Floor
Meeting Agenda
Audit Committee
Councilmember Rebecca Noecker, Chair
Councilmember Saura Jost, Councilmember
Councilmember HwaJeong Kim, Councilmember
Councilmember Mitra Jalali (ex-officio)
Dana M. DeMaster, Community Advisor
Stephanie D. Dilworth, Community Advisor
James T. Farnsworth, Community Advisor
Jeremy Lostetter, Community Advisor
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
2:00 PM
City Hall, 3rd Floor
Roll Call
Audit Committee Agenda
1. Updates
Midpoint Report on parks and Libraries
2. Topic Discussion
Feasibility of next topic: CIB
How should the topic be scoped: Are the changes that the city made regarding the focus
areas working? How do we measure that in some regards? Who's participating and where
are the investments being made?
Is the two-year cycle for city department-submitted projects and
community-submitted projects working effectively?
How are members of the public engaged for membership to the CIB Committee and
community-submitted projects?
Is there an economic equity piece in the CB process during the grant cycles?
Whether the project would land in the same place if looked from an equity lens. Whether
the process is producing the equitable result that the city is looking to achieve
(education component) What worked in some wards and not others? Process-wise,
how do you help take an applicant from point A to point Z? How well-informed is the
community on projects submission and decision? What would a process improvement
look like in understanding how knowledge of the process works, i.e., institutional
knowledge, community folk’s knowledge, background, and experience with the process,
etc.? What process improvements would look like with these insights? Is there an
obstacle with knowledge or understanding of this new process? Are there concentrations
of institutional knowledge that need to be addressed?
Regarding the Community process, are CIB committee members intended to act as
community ambassadors? Is the CIB committee fully filled? Who are the CIB committee
members, where are they from? and does that track with where the applications are
coming from (e.g., where the investments are made). How does the vacancy on the CIB
committee compare to other boards? Is the vacancy typical or is it just a challenge for
the CIB committee, or is it a challenge of community participation post COVID? Did the