City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg
City of Saint Paul
3rd Floor
Meeting Agenda
Audit Committee
Councilmember Rebecca Noecker, Chair
Councilmember Saura Jost, Councilmember
Councilmember HwaJeong Kim, Councilmember
Councilmember Mitra Jalali (ex-officio)
Dana M. DeMaster, Community Advisor
Stephanie D. Dilworth, Community Advisor
James T. Farnsworth, Community Advisor
Jeremy Lostetter, Community Advisor
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
2:00 PM
City Hall, 3rd Floor
Roll Call
Audit Committee Agenda
Library & Park Efficiency Study Update – Chair Rebecca Noecker and Nhia Vang
Topic Selections Discussion - All
Capital Investment Budget Process
What is the process for new projects to get on the CIB docket?
How are projects prioritized amongst different city departments and amongst
community applications? How do we ensure fairness in project selection?
Do we track CIB investment across the city? If so, do we know if the $ is equally
spread across wards?
How are the annual allocations determined? Do we evaluate those to make sure they
are the right amounts?
Salary study of staff
Could job be scoped to align with funding available?
The job could be focused on a specific department rather than citywide.
Is the city paying in line with other jurisdictions of similar size?
What is the salary review of frontline staff vs. management staff?
Hiring and retention practice
Hiring process timeline
Turnover of employees