15 West Kellogg Blvd.  
Saint Paul, MN 55102  
City of Saint Paul  
Minutes - Final  
Legislative Hearings  
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer  
Mai Vang, Hearing Coordinator  
Joanna Zimny, Executive Assistant  
Tuesday, August 20, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Room 330 City Hall & Court House/Remote  
9:00 a.m. Hearings  
Special Tax Assessments  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 298  
UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST. (File No. J2422R, Assessment No.  
248527) (Public hearing continued to September 25, 2024)  
Recommendation forthcoming. Continue CPH to September 25, 2024.  
Voicemail left at 9:17 am: this is Marcia Moermond from St. Paul City Council following  
up with you about your appealed assessment for 398 University cleanup. You have a  
Council Public Hearing scheduled next Weds, I’d like to push that a month. I talked to  
the Ward 1 office and hopefully they reached out to you, Polly Heintz or Jon Berry. You  
aren’t the only one on that stretch with this going on. It seems like the situation is ripe  
for conversation. I hope they’ve reached out. I’m pushing it so we can have some  
conclusions perhaps from the conversations and hoping things improve.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 8/28/2024  
RLH TA 24-322  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 593  
MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2424R, Assessment No.  
Delete the assessment.  
No one appeared  
Moermond: I’ll recommend this is deleted. What happened was March 20 the orders  
were sent, March 25 the property transacted and a new person owned it, then 2 days  
later the property was cleaned up. I’m convinced the seller didn’t have notice at point of  
closing to be even able to provide notice to the buyer. Because of the lack of notice  
due to quirk in timing, I’ll recommend deletion.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
RLH TA 24-326  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1300  
PAYNE AVENUE. (File No. J2424R, Assessment No. 248530)  
Delete the assessment.  
Raymond Becker, owner, appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Joe Yannarelly: a Summary Abatement Order was issued to  
remove and dispose of furniture, a couple tables in the back of the property. Sent  
March 22, compliance date of March 29, rechecked April 1 and found in  
noncompliance. Work was done April 5 for a total proposed assessment of $345.  
Moermond: staff wrote me a note you were in the hospital, what is going on? You seem  
to maintain your property well.  
Becker: occasionally I am “awarded” trash from the neighborhood. Usually I take care  
of it, but I went in the hospital March 19 and had an extended stay in a nursing facility.  
I had no knowledge of this. My daughter and son in law were watching the house, put  
my mail in a pile for me when I got out. I did call when I returned and found these in my  
mail, and they told me to wait for a bill and then call. That’s what I’ve done.  
Moermond: are you home now?  
Becker: home a second time from the nursing home, actually.  
Moermond: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m looking for a handshake on this. If you could  
have your daughter flip through the mail for anything from the City and open those in  
the future. You’ve had dumping in the past and you’ve always gotten after it. If you give  
me a handshake you or them will open it in the future I’ll recommend this is deleted.  
Becker: that sounds fair to me.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
10:00 a.m. Hearings  
Special Tax Assessments  
RLH TA 24-295  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 955 MAY  
STREET. (File No. 2410T, Assessment No. 249012)  
Approve the assessment.  
Voicemail left at 9:50 am: this is Marcia Moermond from St. Paul City Council calling  
Jacob Hall about the tree removal assessment we discussed August 6. We have  
checked with the City Attorney and Assessment’s office. There is no provision or case  
law saying HUD would not be responsible for paying this assessment. It goes with the  
property, not attached to the previous ownership or management. How it is handled  
moving forward in terms of closing is up to buyer and seller. Email or call with any  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/18/2024  
RLH TA 24-324  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 976  
CENTRAL AVENUE WEST. (File No. J2425R, Assessment No.  
Delete the assessment.  
No one appeared  
Moermond: it looks like orders went out March 29, the closing on the property was the  
following week, April 4 and the recheck April 5. I don’t think the owner knew at the time  
they were selling to the current owner that these orders had been issued. Typically,  
they sign off a day or two before the buyer, I think this was an honest miss and that  
notice wasn’t received.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 93  
MAGNOLIA AVENUE WEST. (File No. J2423R, Assessment No.  
Approve the assessment.  
Bill Bernier, owner, appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Bernier: I didn’t get the notice. If I had I would have done the bulky pickup. I don’t  
know if it is because my address changed, to a house in Maplewood. I don’t know if  
that screwed things up. I didn’t get the notice on time, that is my property it is pretty  
clear. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it.  
Moermond: Ramsey County has it going to an address in Crystal, same with the  
Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party. Are you back at that address?  
Bernier: I am. I’m driving now, of course you caught me while I was doing something  
Moermond: we had a note you were attending in person, but you didn’t come. I have to  
say, the City did give notice to the address it had available for you.  
Bernier: yeah. You’re going to do whatever you want to. I missed a letter and I may  
have to pay a hefty, hefty, hefty price.  
Moermond: City is obligated to send to owner of record with Ramsey County, so I really  
have no choice but to recommend approval.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 8/28/2024  
RLH TA 24-316  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1062  
MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2426A, Assessment No.  
Approve and make payable over 10 years.  
No one appeared  
Moermond: this is a case where the City wrote an emergency abatement order due to a  
compromised sewer line, where the private line met the main sewer line. The join there  
was leaking, and when that is the case that is the responsibility of the private owner.  
He thought the reason it leaked was due to activity undertaken by SPRWS, which isn’t  
something we can handle here. That left him with a very large bill. He could pay it,  
appeal the assessment, and make it payable over 10 years, or he could go through the  
City contractor go through the work and Public Works would finance over 20 years, but  
he’d be signing a release saying he wouldn’t sue the City for anything having to do with  
the case. He does believe it was SPRWS that caused the issue, so would be  
preventing himself from litigating. The City did the work as part of an abatement. I’m  
recommending this is made payable over 10 years.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
RLH TA 24-319  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 898  
RAYMOND AVENUE. (File No. J2409P, Assessment No. 248408)  
Delete the assessment (waiver on file).  
No one appeared  
Moermond: there was already a waiver on file for this graffiti cleanup. The cleanup also  
didn’t have a before photo, so we don’t know the location or conditions when the  
cleanup folks arrived. Also noting for the record this was antisemitic graffiti.  
Recommend deletion.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/18/2024  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 771  
SIMS AVENUE. (File No. J2423R, Assessment No. 248529)  
Delete the assessment.  
Kathy Franer appeared via phone  
Moermond: we have two assessments for cleanups and went through with my team,  
and it is a little confusing. [Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Joe Yannarelly: the first is straightforward that the order was  
issued to remove certain items and due to a long delay when they finally abated it they  
took items not in the original order. It said to remove chairs, dressers on March 13,  
and no action until April 26, and they removed different items.  
Moermond: the owner must have proper legal notice of the expectation. So, this I’ll  
recommend for deletion based on staff review.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 8/28/2024  
RLH TA 24-273  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 771  
SIMS AVENUE. (File No. J2425R, Assessment No. 248531)  
Approve the assessment.  
Kathy Franer appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Joe Yannarelly: Summary Abatement Order to remove  
mattresses in alley sent April 16, compliance date of April 23, work done on April 26  
for a total assessment of $380.  
Moermond: we have cleanup before and after photos for this one. Why are you  
appealing Ms. Franer?  
Franer: I had a property manager since I’m long distance. I’ve sold the house since  
then, closed early July. I couldn’t get ahold of my property managers anymore since it  
was up for sale to ask them what happened with the orders. In the past I’ve contacted  
them about abatement orders and the tenant would take care of the small things, but  
she’d say the bigger things weren’t hers. Even if my property manager took care of  
them, I didn’t know. I did get a code enforcement form showing it, and they didn’t get  
back to me. Meanwhile, another Summary Abatement Order was sent June 21, but I  
hadn’t had any tenants since the end of March. I had to get my realtor to help me. It  
isn’t a private alley. It was over $400 to take it, it doesn’t seem fair. The City said sorry,  
we can’t do anything. Then I received these other two in June, wondering what is going  
on. So, I think my tenant was correct in saying they weren’t hers. I have to ask for help  
because I didn’t feel it was mine---I already had sold the house even though it hadn’t  
closed. I didn’t want the new owners to have to pick up. I’m just asking for help.  
Moermond: the rub is the mattresses are on your property. Notice was provided. How  
they show up, I’m sorry some people get other people’s stuff dumped. It is just a fact.  
Things can make themselves less of a target, but it is a moot point in your situation.  
This is a private responsibility and it doesn’t in the end matter who put it there, you  
have a responsibility to deal with it. I believe your property manager did handle the  
other order that month, but this one wasn’t dealt with so the City had the cost of the  
cleanup and the disposal fee. I’m really stuck with recommending approval on this.  
Franer: I understand.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
Special Tax Assessments-ROLLS  
RLH AR 24-72  
Ratifying the assessment for Rubbish and Garbage Clean Up services  
during March 27 to April 9, 2024. (File No. J2424R, Assessment No.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
RLH AR 24-73  
Ratifying the assessment for Rubbish and Garbage Clean Up services  
during April 10 to 30, 2024. (File No. J2425R, Assessment No. 248531)  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
RLH AR 24-74  
Ratifying the assessment for Sanitary Sewer Repairs in the Right of Way  
during January to February 2024. (File No. J2426A, Assessment No.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
RLH AR 24-75  
Ratifying the assessment for Miscellaneous Abatement services during  
December 2023 to June 2024. (File No. J2427A, Assessment No.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 10/2/2024  
11:00 a.m. Hearings  
Summary & Vehicle Abatement Orders  
Appeal of Angela Glenhue to a Summary Abatement Order at 1941  
Grant to September 6, 2024 for compliance.  
Angela Glenhue, owner, appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Glenhue: I needed more time. It is cleaned up now.  
Staff report by Supervisor Richard Kedrowski: an inspection was done last week on the  
property and again this morning to verify condition of overhanging vegetation. Based on  
my assessment we still have some overhanging vegetation in the alley. It needs  
clearance to 14’. I can tell an attempt was made, but still more work to be done.  
There’s also some boulevard vegetation not named in the orders, and anything within  
30’ of a corner needs to be less than 18” in height.  
Moermond: so that’s not named in orders but wanted to let the neighbor know.  
Kedrowski: correct.  
Glenhue: that seems straightforward.  
Moermond: you probably want to go outside; you’ve dealt with some. You have some  
clarification now. I’m amenable to giving more time to deal with it. Would two additional  
weeks do the trick?  
Glenhue: that’s fine.  
Moermond: I’ll ask the Council to give through September 6. Mr. Kedrowski will drive  
by on the 10th and make sure it is taken care of.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/4/2024  
1:00 p.m. Hearings  
Vacant Building Registrations  
Making finding on the appealed nuisance abatement ordered for 670  
SIMS AVENUE in Council File RLH SAO 24-46.  
The nuisance is not abated. The Department is authorized to take action after Aug 28  
Moermond: had a deadline of August 16 to do the cleanup, which was ordered in the  
Summary Abatement Order from July 9. Mr. Dornfeld checked it out yesterday and the  
work is not done. Authorize Department of Safety & Inspections to proceed with the  
nuisance abatement. Council Public Hearing is August 28, so Department of Safety &  
Inspections is authorized to work order on the 29th. We’ll send an email to Linda  
Coreno on this finding and recommendation.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 8/28/2024  
Appeal of James Swartwood to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at  
Grant the appeal and release the property from the VB program. Property cannot be  
reoccupied until Fire C of O is reinstated.  
Cal Prince, property manager, appeared  
James Swartwood, owner, appeared  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Leanna Shaff: we received a referral July 18 on a  
deteriorating retaining wall and a number of other exterior items. Inspector Chute  
couldn’t get there until 7/31. Front door was unsecured and open. Kitchen window  
unsecure. No evidence of being occupied. Exterior deficiencies noted and sent to  
Certificate of Occupancy to evaluate. It had all the earmarks of a Vacant Building so it  
was referred there.  
Staff report by Supervisor Matt Dornfeld: Category 2 Vacant Building by me per that  
referral. The house was found to be open to entry at time of our inspection and Deputy  
Director Hoban issued an immediate securing of the property due to neighborhood  
complaints and safety issues. The house was secured August 1, 2024 and all the  
violations in the Certificate of Occupancy revocation were not written up so we didn’t  
issue a correction order on the retaining wall. I was told those violations would be dealt  
with in a Code Compliance Inspection Report.  
Prince: this is a move out by a tenant at the end of their lease. That’s why there was  
nothing in it on the 31st. Where was the communication? Why weren’t we notified  
about a complaint? If they felt it was vacant, wouldn’t it make sense someone was  
moving out. My tenant returned the evening of the 31st and told me it was boarded. I  
found it boarded, screwed shut. Why would you damage people’s windows? This is a  
terrible process. Call and ask for a key. I attempted to talk to Daryl immediately, who  
never returned my call, at which point I talked to Leanna on Monday who said it was  
already too late.  
Shaff: the complaint came in on the 18th of the month. It was 2 weeks before we were  
out there. Mr. Prince your message to me stopped abruptly when inspector chute had a  
conversation. When we did get to talk, it was already referred to the Vacant Building  
program. You told me before that in the message that he was calling you back.  
Prince: right. He did call me back eventually. It was Monday the 4th, not Friday the  
1st. He said he found it unsecured and sent to Vacant Building. I asked him why he  
didn’t reach out to me? I’ve worked with him on multiple occasions.  
Swartwood: he’s called me up many times to work with him. Utilities were still on.  
Prince: the retaining wall, the first we heard about it was the orders on the 5th or 6th in  
the mail. That’s the first I’ve heard of any issues there.  
Moermond: the whole thing starts July 18 when a neighbor calls it in as being vacant  
and having a broken-down retaining wall. Staff checks it out July 31. Complaint based  
inspections they just deploy staff. It sounds like it was vacant, and it was open to  
entry. That finding was from 2 staff people. You’re saying it was a turnover in tenants,  
inadvertently left open.  
Swartwood: he had just left with a load of stuff.  
Moermond: Mr. Swartwood, you’ve dealt with this enough and know how many fires are  
set in Vacant Buildings. I don’t believe there was any malice on the part of the City.  
Was it legit vacant and open to entry? Yes. How do we get from here to where we want  
to go, that’s what we’re talking about.  
Prince: we’d be happy to get the property back and make the corrections and get it  
re-rented. We certainly don’t like it was left unlocked but, it isn’t common for someone  
to leave the house unlocked when they go to the grocery store.  
Swartwood: remember, these are immigrant that are coming in, not familiar with our  
customs and mores.  
Moermond: no. Nice try. No.  
Swartwood: they were Ecuadorian.  
Moermond: does it seriously matter? Are you saying that if someone is from Ecuador  
they don’t understand how locks work?  
Swartwood: they are different. They are farther behind than we are. They don’t  
understand how toilets or sinks work.  
Moermond: they don’t have toilets and sinks? And they’ve been here a while and  
haven’t figured that out? Oh Mr. Swartwood.  
Swartwood: they’re hard on stuff, that’s all. They don’t speak our language.  
Prince: because they have a large family they don’t necessarily always all have keys.  
They aren’t always locking their house, and that is true. They have six or seven adults;  
we give them one key and tell them to make copies, but they don’t. So, they come and  
go as they please.  
Swartwood: that’s a good point, isn’t it?  
Moermond: one chair found in a room doesn’t mean someone is living there and they  
went out for groceries.  
Swartwood: I was there. They had dressers, cabinets.  
Prince: I haven’t been inside but I have messages from the tenant saying he wanted to  
come get his final belongings. He initially was supposed to be out on the 15th. I told  
him he was paying through the end of the month, so then he said it would be the 20th,  
then on the 31st I asked him “hey, I don’t have your keys, what is going on?” and he  
messaged me and said he was delayed. I have those text messages. I’ll be out by the  
end of the day. Then at 5 pm on the 31 he sent me a picture of the placard and saying  
he couldn’t get in.  
Swartwood: he had 30 bags of clothes and his washer and dryer in the basement.  
Moermond: I looked at the last Certificate of Occupancy and it appears one was  
issued with deficiencies and one was the foundation wasn’t supported at all points. I  
also see on February 4, 2019 that it continued to be noted as a deficiency. Similar  
deficiency noted for screens and extension cords.  
Shaff: the foundation was taken care of in 2019. Screens were taken care of too. All  
was abated.  
Moermond: I’m going to say you have to have your Fire Certificate of Occupancy  
reinstated before reoccupancy. I’ll recommend you are released from the Vacant  
Building program. As far as costs of boarding, that isn’t in front of me. I had two staff  
making that observation.  
It stays empty until you have that certificate. You dodged the Vacant Building fee but  
cannot reoccupy until that Certificate of Occupancy is reinstated.  
Prince: I’m just disappointed in the lack of communication. That’s what makes this  
sad. This could have been avoided.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/4/2024  
Appeal of Ali Ahmed to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 219  
Grant the appeal and release the property from the VB program.  
Ali Ahmed, owner, appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Matt Dornfeld: Department of Safety & Inspections received  
an email from a Braun Inc on Friday July 19, 2024 that declared this property to be a  
Vacant Building and provided us with a registration form. At the time of our inspection,  
Inspector Hesse noted it appeared to be vacant and secure at time of inspection. The  
grass was getting long but didn’t require orders at that time. Then again August 14, he  
also felt, but couldn’t confirm, it appeared vacant, secure and maintained. We opened  
a Category 1 Vacant Building. It hasn’t been vacant for more than 365 and no serious  
code violations documented.  
Moermond: you got a letter and form from the financial institution but we have an  
appellant who is saying it isn’t vacant. No other reason besides that letter you would  
put it in the program?  
Dornfeld: that is correct.  
Ahmed: I got the house about 2 and a half months ago. It was my mom’s. I’m  
renovating it at the moment. I maintain the lawn. I stay there some nights, but I will  
move there. We’re redoing the kitchen now. I will be making it into a community home  
in a couple months. The house is paid off, so I’m not sure who sent in that form.  
Moermond: its fine to be working on a house. Right now, I hear no reason to be in the  
Vacant Building program, so I will recommend the Council grant your appeal and  
release you from the Vacant Building Program.  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/4/2024  
Appeal of Abah Mohamed to a Vacant Building Registration Notice and  
Notice of Condemnation-Unfit for Human Habitation-Order to Vacate at  
Layover to LH September 10, 2024 at 1 pm to confirm electricity has been restored.  
Abah Mohamed, owner appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Leanna Shaff: this is a duplex. June 14 we received a  
referral complaint that the electric had been shut off. Typically, we don’t receive those  
until the electrical has been off for 30 days or longer. It was assigned to Inspector  
Bono. She did confirm it was off. July 9 and July 24 confirmed it was still off, and July  
29 Sarah Bono transferred it to the Fire Certificate of Occupancy because the electric  
was still off.  
Moermond: there was file work done July 31 and the reinspection August 29.  
Shaff: that’s correct. Meanwhile, unfortunately, inspector Harriel had been working on  
this since 9/27/23 and this building is in talks with Planning and Economic  
Development to raze this duplex and build multi-unit affordable housing. He was  
advised by Der Vue to revoke as unoccupied and hold it open in our inventor rather  
than refer to Vacant Buildings for 90 days. That’s how it ended up in the Vacant  
Building program.  
Moermond: so, two different staff coming from two different directions. The orders  
today have to do with the electric. What’s going on there? Your appeal said it was  
turned on again, and typically we’d call Xcel to confirm.  
Mohamed: we’re in the process of rezoning so we let the business go. There was a bill  
owed by them and Xcel wanted to have a payment plan, but Xcel wasn’t collaborating.  
That’s what happened between Xcel and us. Finally, when I was coming in to drop off  
the appeal, Torrance said even though it was being solved because electricity was  
being restored he told me to still do the appeal. Both him and Inspector Vue said he  
was now the main guy and the file was transferred to him. He also told me something  
about Category 2 or 1. I really don’t understand what that means.  
Moermond: sounds like 2 cooks in the kitchen turned into 3. I’m going to ask staff to  
call Xcel and confirm power is restored. That means you’re out of the Vacant Building  
program. I don’t think you should have been referred there yet. The letter you got from  
the Fire Inspector July 31 from Harriel says you have until August 29 to get it restored.  
That hasn’t even happened yet. They shouldn’t even think about sending it to the  
Vacant Building program until you’ve blown that deadline, which you haven’t.  
Mohamed: I’ve been told so many different things.  
Moermond: I can see how the mistake happened, but it was still a mistake. We’ll  
reach out if we can’t confirm it is back on, we will reach out to you.  
Laid Over to the Legislative Hearings due back on 9/10/2024  
Appeal of Manoj Bhakta, Bhakta Properties LLC, to a Vacant Building  
Registration Renewal Notice at 81 ROSE AVENUE EAST.  
Grant the appeal and release the property from the VB program, noting that provisional  
Fire C of O has been received.  
No one appeared  
Moermond: it is no longer in the Vacant Building program as of August 14 when a  
provisional Certificate of Occupancy was given, so recommend Council grant the  
Referred to the City Council due back on 9/4/2024  
1:30 p.m. Hearings  
Orders To Vacate - Fire Certificate of Occupancy  
Appeal of Angela Seard for Willow & Brook to a Fire Certificate of  
Occupancy Revocation and Order to Vacate at 518 DAYTON AVENUE.  
Layover to LH September 24, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. to confirm sale and owner-occupancy.  
Angela Seard, owner, appeared via phone  
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]  
Staff report by Supervisor Leanna Shaff: this is a duplex. The inspection by Inspector  
Harriel noted 4/2/24 he was onsite for the inspection. They were a no show. He called  
the Responsible Party and advised of the appointment. They said they were unaware.  
May 1, another appointment, and no show. He left a Voicemail. June 4 another no  
show. He did talk to the property owner and set a new final date and time. July 2,  
Inspector Harriel had to reschedule. July 15 he got a call from the property owner  
saying they wanted to withdraw the provisional Certificate of Occupancy. He asked me  
and I said we couldn’t’ do that and posted the revocation. It isn’t an owner-occupied  
building. Willow and Brook of St. Paul, LLC is the owner with Ramsey County. A  
person, not an LLC, needs to occupy it. It does require a Fire Certificate of Occupancy  
if it is to be occupied.  
Moermond: Ms. Seard, what is going on?  
Seard: I’m curious about the listing as a duplex; this is a single-family home. It was  
duplex at one time. I purchased in 2022 in order to renovate and make it a family  
vacation home. Due to logistics, it has been hard to do. I did apply for the short-term  
license in January. My impression with the property management company was they  
would take care of these things. Once the inspector reached out to them I learned they  
will not represent me until I have a license, which means I was in a Catch-22 situation.  
Everything Ms. Shaff said is correct. We did have someone there on July 2, didn’t  
know there was a cancellation. That was a bummer. Because I am out of state I am  
not getting information quickly. I got the letter to reschedule for the 15th on the 13th. I  
called my mid-term rental tenant and they said they had a sick baby, so I got  
frustrated, fine. Called the inspector and told him they can’t do it due to the sick baby;  
I understand this is the last time. Let’s just cancel the whole thing. For me, I meant,  
let’s cancel the application for short-term rental. I didn’t realize this was the road that  
would put me on. I didn’t know there was something to revoke. It is pending sale, with  
a closing date of September 6. The person is just that, a person, not a business. I  
was just trying to not get this pushed into a vacancy, that’s what he said the next step  
was. I was just trying to prevent problems while we wait for the sale.  
Moermond: what is required for each of those uses. Short term rentals like Air BnB,  
and then the Fire Certificate of Occupancy for all non-owner-occupied properties. They  
are distinct. If someone is living there you do need that Certificate of Occupancy. A  
provisional means you’ve applied for one, you’ll be getting an inspection. This went on  
for a while. You’re in the process of selling, and I do see in a recent photo it has a  
for-sale sign.  
Shaff: the TISH did say it is a multi-unit building and it doesn’t show any building  
permits where it was de-converted to a single-family home.  
Moermond: you do have a duplex from what we can tell, but yeah, it is weird. It says  
number of units: single-family home but also says a duplex. That’s odd. You said the  
person buying is an owner occupant?  
Seard: yes.  
Moermond: does anyone live there now?  
Seard: no.  
Moermond: I’d like to continue this case in hearing and basically come back and find  
out if we have an owner-occupant or not. If we do, it is easy to recommend the appeal  
is granted and you don’t have to deal with the Certificate of Occupancy program. I need  
that buttoned up in case the closing doesn’t go through or something like that. Let’s do  
September 24 to confer with you on this.  
Laid Over to the City Council due back on 9/24/2024