City Hall and Court House  
15 West Kellogg Boulevard  
Council Chambers - 3rd  
City of Saint Paul  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
Council President Mitra Jalali  
Vice President HwaJeong Kim  
Councilmember Anika Bowie  
Councilmember Cheniqua Johnson  
Councilmember Saura Jost  
Councilmember Rebecca Noecker  
Councilmember Nelsie Yang  
Wednesday, August 14, 2024  
3:30 PM  
Council Chambers - 3rd Floor  
Meeting started at 3:31 PM  
7 - Councilmember Rebecca Noecker, Councilmember Mitra Jalali,  
Councilmember Nelsie Yang, Councilmember HwaJeong Kim,  
Councilmember Anika Bowie, Councilmember Saura Jost and  
Councilmember Cheniqua Johnson  
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate  
discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item will be removed from the  
Consent Agenda for separate consideration.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Councilmember Kim moved approval.  
Consent Agenda adopted  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Authorizing the City to enter into a cooperative agreement with Ramsey  
County for sidewalk construction on Larpenteur Avenue from Dale Street to  
Marion Street and Edgerton Street from Arlington Avenue to Maryland  
Authorizing the Police Department to enter into a lease amendment and  
rental rate adjustment with the Port Authority for the Impound Lot.  
Preliminary Order setting the date of City Council public hearing for  
September 18, 2024 to consider approval of the redevelopment of the  
superblock (bounded by Snelling Avenue/MnDOT TH51, University  
Avenue/CSAH 34, Pascal Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue). (Project No.  
19268, Assessment No. 245205)  
Removing the existing licensing conditions 5 & 6 from the Tobacco Products  
Shop license held by D & L Tobacco LLC d/b/a D & L Tobacco (License ID  
#20210002137), for the premises located at 626 Larpenteur Avenue.  
Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public  
hearing to ratify the assessments for Victoria Avenue: Summit Avenue to  
Concordia Avenue for the mill and overlay of streets in the 2023 Mill and  
Overlay Program. (File No. MO2305, Assessment No. 245505)  
Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public  
hearing to ratify the assessments for East Shore Drive: Wheelock  
Parkway to Larpenteur Avenue for the mill and overlay of streets in the  
2023 Mill and Overlay Program. (File No. MO2304, Assessment No.  
Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public  
hearing to ratify the assessments for Fairview Avenue: Randolph Avenue  
to Edgcumbe Road for the mill and overlay of streets in the 2023 Mill and  
Overlay Program. (File No. MO2308, Assessment No. 245508)  
Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public  
hearing to ratify the assessments for Como/Valentine residential area for  
the mill and overlay of streets in the 2023 Mill and Overlay Program. (File  
No. MO2302, Assessment No. 245502)  
Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public  
hearing to ratify the assessments for Cretin/Bayard, Phase I residential  
area for the mill and overlay of streets in the 2023 Mill and Overlay  
Program. (File No. MO2303, Assessment No. 245503)  
Authorizing the City to transfer $7,108,636 of American Rescue Plan Act  
funds from the 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing account to a specific  
account for the housing project at 892 E 7th St (District 4, Ward 6).  
Authorizing use of a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) for the new 5-story  
mixed-use project at 892 East 7th Street (District 4, Ward 6).  
Approving the Como Regional Park Long-Range Plan.  
Authorizing the City on behalf of the Department of Parks and Recreation, to  
accept grant funds in the amount of $3,500 from the National Recreation and  
Park Association (“NRPA”), and authorizing the proper City Officials to enter  
into a grant agreement (which includes indemnification language).  
Approving the Settlement Agreement and Release Between VCI-VICRAMP,  
LLC and City of St. Paul.  
Approving a Liquor on Sale - 291 or more Seats, Liquor on Sale - Sunday,  
Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) and Entertainment (B) - New Location  
license to Levy Premium Foodservice LP d/b/a Levy at Science Museum of  
MN (License ID 20240000671) for the premises located at 120 Kellogg  
Boulevard West.  
Approving the application for change of ownership for Khue’s Kitchen LLC  
d/b/a Khue’s Kitchen LLC for the Liquor on Sale - 100 Seats or less, Liquor  
on Sale - Sunday, and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) (License ID  
#20240001056) for the premises located at 799 University Avenue West. (To  
be withdrawn)  
Approving the minutes of the Saint Paul City Council meetings of June 5, 12  
and 26, 2024.  
Approving the Memorandums of Agreement between the City and the  
International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 21 for the purpose of  
adjusting the Paramedic Premium and Emergency Medical Technician  
wages for 2025.  
Establishing the rate of pay for Human Resources Assistant, in AFSCME  
Changing the rate of pay for Water Control Systems Information Supervisor,  
in SPSO, EG 09.  
Honoring the legacy of Dr. Cheryl T. Chatman for her outstanding  
contributions as an educator, community activist, and commitment of  
lifelong service.  
An ordinance is a city law enacted by the City Council. It is read at three separate  
council meetings and becomes effective after passage by the Council and 30 days after  
publication in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. Public hearings on ordinances are  
generally held at the second reading.  
Live testimony is limited to two minutes for each person. See below for optional ways  
to testify.  
Amending Chapter 67 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the EG East  
Grand Avenue Overlay District.  
Councilmember Noecker spoke in support and moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Ratifying the assessment for installation of a fire protection system, as  
requested by Linda Sackreiter, Congregational President of Grace English  
Evangelical Lutheran Church at 1730 Old Hudson Road (File No. FP2024-01,  
Assessment No. 247100).  
Councilmember Johnson moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Amending the financing and spending plans in the Department of Emergency  
Management in the amount of $150,000 to accept the Cities for Financial  
Empowerment Grant to support municipalities in building and expanding  
emergency preparedness and recovery infrastructure with a focus on  
financial empowerment.  
Councilmember Kim moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Amending the Department of Public Works budget in the amount of  
$1,458,000 for a grant from the federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality  
(CMAQ) program for the continuation of the Twin Cities Electric Vehicle  
Mobility Network for the next 5 years.  
Councilmember Bowie moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Amending the financing and spending plans in the Fire Department in the  
amount of $260,000 for a contribution received from the State of Minnesota  
to pay for training and equipment for the hazardous materials team.  
Councilmember Yang moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Approving the application of Anderson Race Management for a sound level  
variance in order to present amplified sound on August 17, 2024 at Phalen  
Park Picnic Pavilion Patio - 1600 Phalen Dr.  
Councilmember Yang moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Approving the application of Anderson Race Management for a sound level  
variance in order to present amplified sound on August 18, 2024 at Harriet  
Island - 200 Dr Justus Ohage Blvd.  
Councilmember Noecker moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Approving the application of FBDN Ventures for a sound level variance in  
order to present amplified sound on September 21, 2024 at 400 Snelling Ave  
N - Allianz Field Grounds.  
Councilmember Bowie moved approval.  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Appeal of Sumeya Mohamed to a Rent Stabilization Determination at 200  
WINTHROP STREET SOUTH, APT. 313. (Amended to grant the appeal)  
Appeal granted.  
Also in attendance:  
Sumeya Mohamed, appellant  
James Poradek, Housing Justice Center, attorney representing the appellant  
Abbie Hanson, Housing Justice Center, attorney representing the appellant  
Nhia Vang, Legislative Hearing Officer: This is an appeal of Sumeya Mohamed to a  
Rent Stabilization Determination at 200 Winthrop Street, Apartment 313. It is only for  
her unit. This first came to the attention of the Department of Safety and Inspections  
(DSI) on January 2, 2023 through an application from the owners, G&I X Phoenix  
Apartments, LLC, to increase rent for vacated units in the amount of 8% plus inflation  
according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Cheron Eich and Jason Wood were  
acting on behalf of the property when they met with staff from January through May,  
2023. The representatives ultimately sought a request for staff determination for an  
exception to the City's 3% rent cap. The increases were listed as being related to  
unavoidable increases in operating expenses and a capital improvement project to  
upgrade the entire property. On May 25, 2023, DSI granted approval of the rent  
increase at various percentages between 26.48% and 80.61%, depending on the  
unit. Apartment 313 was approved for a 26.48% increase, allowing a maximum rent  
of $1,823.84 per month. This was based entirely on net operating income, and not at  
all on renovations. As part of this determination, the Fire Certificate of Occupancy  
(FCO) was considered. It was approved in February 2023 as a Class A property.  
Some complaints were related to a mouse infestation, a fire alarm issue, rodents,  
flooring, broken glass, and garbage on the property. According to staff, all issues had  
been remedied or were in the process of being remedied at the time of the appeal  
hearing. The appeal was received in July 2023 and the hearing took place in August  
10, 2023. Legislative Hearing Officer Marcia Moermond received confirmation during  
the hearing that the appeal applies only to Apt. 313, and that the appellant did not  
have the authority to act on behalf of other tenants in the building. Several concerns  
were raised in the hearing, including lead, asbestos, and habitability. On July 1, 2024,  
the appellant vacated the unit. Moermond was notified of the move by Jason Wood  
from the management company. After conferred with the City Attorney's Office (CAO)  
Moermond's recommendation was then to dismiss the appeal, as the appellant no  
longer had legal standing. From August 2023 to August 2024, supplemental materials  
continued to be sent to Moermond and were fully examined. I recognize that this  
process has taken a long time and want to note the factors that affected the  
development of Moermond's recommendation. One was that the appellant and her  
representative sent numerous documents. 44 were received in total, amounting to  
over 1,700 pages. Not all documents were submitted at the same time. Some were  
received today. All documents were fully examined and reviewed. Another reason for  
the delay was that Moermond was on medical leave during this period and only  
recently returned to full-time work. There were also staffing changes during this  
period. While the documents from the applicant and her attorney are concerning,  
those issues have not yet been adjudicated. The applicant did not experience any  
monetary damages, as the rent was not increased while the matter was under  
Sumeya Mohamed: I had lived in Saint Paul since 2007. We never wanted to leave  
but this situation caused us so much anxiety that we had to move. It's frustrating that  
our moving is being used as an excuse to deny the appeal. We applied for this  
appeal not just for one unit, but on behalf of all the tenants in Haven of Battle Creek.  
Tenants have had several meetings with DSI where they heard concerns, so it's  
frustrating that the rent increase is being granted. It seems like this process has just  
been put in place to relieve you of guilt, even though you will side with the landlords. I  
don't understand what the process is for.  
James Poradek: Mohamed filed a complaint that laid out the asbestos violation  
issues in February of 2023 before the appeal was filed. We never heard back from  
DSI about it.  
Council President Jalali: You're saying that a separate complaint was submitted  
about asbestos and code violations unrelated to rent?  
Poradek: Yes. When she talked about an unfair process, it begins way back then. To  
also correct things, the building is from 1976, not 1988. The capital improvements  
that include building-wide renovations of common areas were included in the rent  
increase, according to an internal document. It was over 10% of the rent increase.  
Also, regardless of the standing issue, there is an obligation for the City to not grant  
approval of a rent increase when there are habitability violations, which exists in  
ordinance. That cannot be deviated from. The record contains uncontested evidence  
of asbestos violations, which we go into at great length in four expert reports we've  
submitted. These reports have not been rebutted. From a data request we saw DSI  
Director Wiese recognizing the severe risk of doing these kind of renovations when  
there's asbestos. A document from 2021 says that every surface of the property is  
covered in potential asbestos-containing material because of how old the building is,  
and that it should not be disturbed without testing. I have slides to pass out as well.  
The landlord also has an affirmative displacement strategy. Internal documents  
discussing the renovations in 2021 say that the interior upgrades will allow them to  
"drive rents and improve the renter profile." They're trying to get rid of the community  
that developed there for years, including 100 Section 8 vouchers.  
Jalali: What is your ask?  
Poradek: To deny the rent increase outright due to habitability violations.  
Jalali: To grant your appeal or deny Moermond's recommendation?  
Poradek: Grant our appeal. I will ask staff to pass out my slides.  
Councilmember Kim moved to close the public hearing. Approved 7-0.  
Councilmember Johnson: I move to grant the appeal. I don't agree with the Hearing  
Officer's recommendation about the reason for dismissal.  
Councilmember Noecker: I support that motion. The City had knowledge of these  
habitability violations prior to the appeal, so we should deny any request for a rent  
Councilmember Yang: What happens if the appeal is granted?  
Theresa Skarda, Deputy City Attorney: This unit would either be subject to the  
increase allowed under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance or not, if there is an  
exception laid out in there. It could also be appealed to the Court of Appeals as  
arbitrary and capricious, and that court could render an opinion.  
Yang: Does work still need to be done for the unit to be habitable?  
Skarda: I don't know about the state of the unit.  
Yang: I would like that information.  
Jalali: It doesn't look like that information is available.  
Yang: What body would this issue move to if the appeal is granted?  
Johnson: It would only move to a different body if our decision is appealed in court.  
I'd actually like to call the question and have a roll call vote.  
Jalali: We still have people in line for discussion.  
Councilmember Bowie: Could we get clarification on if the appeal only affects this  
tenant for this unit?  
Jalali: The City has partial vacancy decontrol. If your property owner wants to vacate  
a unit and raise the rent, they can only do that if they give written notice to the renter  
and one of the defined just causes for vacancy. Then they are allowed to lawfully  
vacate that unit and potentially increase the rent. That separate part of the ordinance  
is not subject to who's living there. What we're deciding on today is whether to grant  
the appeal of a tenant who was appealing a rent increase to her unit. I don't think this  
rent increase should be allowed.  
Skarda: My understanding is that this appeal is for this tenant and this unit only.  
However, there are other methods under the ordinance that allow rent to be  
Noecker: Should we be continuing discussion if a question was called? I just want to  
Jalali: Everyone needs a chance to be heard first. Some councilmembers haven't  
spoken yet.  
Kim: I had the same question. My understanding is that discussion can still happen  
after that.  
Jalali: I still wanted to speak. I support this appeal and Johnson's motion. I have the  
exact concern that the appellant is raising about the habitability. A rent increase  
violates our ordinance that this should not take place where there are documented  
health and safety issues. I also don't think the inordinate amount of time it took for  
this appeal and the relocation of a tenant are a basis for dismissal when the City was  
responsible for that delay. If the renter moved out two weeks after appealing, it would  
be different.  
Yang: Do we have an update on if there is an answer to my question about  
Jalali: Hearing Officer Vang, do we have an answer to that?  
Vang: I have not heard back from staff on that. I apologize.  
Yang: I support Johnson's motion.  
Johnson: I echo the basis that Jalali laid out. I think there will be continued  
conversation about this ordinance going forward. I renew my motion to grant the  
Adopted as amended (appeal granted)  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will receive a combined public hearing and be  
enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. Items may be removed from the  
Consent Agenda for a separate public hearing and discussion if desired.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Councilmember Kim moved approval.  
Legislative Hearing Consent Agenda adopted as amended  
7 - Councilmember Noecker, Councilmember Jalali, Councilmember Yang,  
Councilmember Kim, Councilmember Bowie, Councilmember Jost and  
Councilmember Johnson  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 819 AURORA  
AVENUE. (File No. J2410E, Assessment No. 248316)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1020 (1022)  
AURORA AVENUE. (File No. VB2410, Assessment No. 248814) (Refer to  
September 3, 2024 Legislative Hearing)  
Referred to September 3, 2024 Legislative Hearing  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 342 BATES  
AVENUE. (File No. J2420R2, Assessment No. 248537) (Public hearing  
continued to August 14, 2024)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 342 BATES  
AVENUE. (File No. J2410E, Assessment No. 248316)  
Appeal of Michael Nayman to a Notice to Cut Tall Grass and/or Weeds at  
1818 BLAIR AVENUE. (Legislative Hearing August 13, 2024)  
Adopted as amended (granted extension to August 26, 2024)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1035  
BRADLEY STREET. (File No. VB2410, Assessment No. 248814)  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 198  
BRIDLEWOOD DRIVE. (File No. J2410B, Assessment No. 248109)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 299  
BURLINGTON ROAD. (File No. CG2402A1, Assessment No. 240113)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1370  
CARLING DRIVE. (File No. CRT2408A, Assessment No. 248210)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 818  
CHARLES AVENUE. (File No. CG2402A2, Assessment No. 240114)  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1254  
CHARLES AVENUE. (File No. J2410E, Assessment No. 248316)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1320 COACH  
ROAD. (File No. CRT2408B, Assessment No. 248211)  
Appeal of Phyllis Fischer to a Fence Variance Denial at 1054 CUMBERLAND  
Appeal of Bridget-Michaele Reischl, PR of the Estate of Paul H. Glaser, to a  
Vacant Building Registration Requirement at 2334 DOSWELL AVENUE.  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1223  
FARRINGTON STREET. (File No. CG2402A1, Assessment No. 240113)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 159  
GRANITE STREET. (File No. CG2402A2, Assessment No. 240114)  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1042 HAGUE  
AVENUE, UNIT C, (File No. CG2402A1, Assessment No. 240113)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 724  
JESSAMINE AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2410B, Assessment No. 248109)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1046 JESSIE  
STREET. (File No. VB2410, Assessment No. 248814)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 842 LAFOND  
AVENUE. (File No. J2410B, Assessment No. 248109)  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 104  
LARPENTEUR AVENUE WEST. (File No. CG2402A1, Assessment No.  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 284 MAPLE  
STREET. (File No. J2410E, Assessment No. 248316) (Refer to September 3,  
2024 Legislative Hearing)  
Referred to September 3, 2024 Legislative Hearing  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 309 MAPLE  
STREET (743 Third Street East/311 Maple Street). (File No. VB2410,  
Assessment No. 248814)  
Ordering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 41  
MILLER CREST LANE within fifteen (15) days after the July 17, 2024, City  
Council Public Hearing. (Amend to grant 180 days)  
Adopted as amended (granted 180 days)  
Ordering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 2117  
MOHAWK AVENUE within fifteen (15) days after the July 17, 2024, City  
Council Public Hearing. (Amend to grant 180 days)  
Adopted as amended (granted 180 days)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1056  
OXFORD STREET NORTH. (File No. CG2402A2, Assessment No. 240114)  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 975 REANEY  
AVENUE. (File No. VB2410, Assessment No. 248814) (Public hearing  
continued to September 4, 2024)  
Public hearing continued to September 4, 2024  
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1243  
THOMAS AVENUE. (File No. CG2402A2, Assessment No. 240114)  
Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1557 WHITE  
BEAR AVENUE NORTH. (File No. J2408P, Assessment No. 248407)  
Ratifying the assessment for the City’s cost of providing Collection of  
Delinquent Garbage Bills for services during January to March 2024. (File  
No. CG2402A1, Assessment No. 240113)  
Ratifying the assessment for the City’s cost of providing Collection of  
Delinquent Garbage Bills for services during January to March 2024. (File  
No. CG2402A2, Assessment No. 240114)  
Ratifying the assessment for Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees  
billed during August 14, 2023 to January 24, 2024. (File No. VB2410,  
Assessment No. 248814)  
Ratifying the assessment for Securing and.or Emergency Boarding services  
during January to February 2024. (File No. J2410B, Assessment No.  
Ratifying the assessment for Collection of Fire Certificate of Occupancy fees  
billed during February 7 to 19, 2024. (File No. CRT2409, Assessment No.  
Ratifying the assessment for Excessive Use of Inspection or Abatement  
services billed during December 27, 2023 to January 19, 2024. (File No.  
J2410E, Assessment No. 248316)  
Ratifying the assessment for Graffiti Removal services during January 8 to  
February 5, 2024. (File No. J2408P, Assessment No. 248407)  
Ratifying the assessment for Removal of Diseased and/or Dangerous Tree(s)  
service during March 2024. (File No. 2408T, Assessment No. 249010)  
Ratifying the assessment for Removal of Diseased and/or Dangerous Tree(s)  
service during January 2024 at 2163 MARSHALL AVE, (File No. 2409T,  
Assessment No. 249011)  
Meeting ended at 4:23 PM  
City Council meetings are open for in person attendance, but the public may also  
comment on public hearing items in writing or via voicemail. Any comments and  
materials submitted by 12:00 pm of the day before the meeting will be attached to the  
public record and available for review by the City Council. Comments may be  
submitted as follows:  
The public may comment on public hearing items in writing or via voicemail. Any  
comments and materials submitted by 12:00 pm of the day before the meeting will be  
attached to the public record and available for review by the City Council. Comments  
may be submitted as follows:  
Written public comment on public hearing items can be submitted to,, or by voicemail at  
651-266-6805. Live testimony will be taken in person in the Council Chambers, and by  
telephone by registering to speak by noon on the day before the meeting. The  
Council Meeting Information  
The City Council is paperless which saves the environment and reduces expenses. The  
agendas and Council files are all available on the Web (see below). Council members  
use mobile devices to review the files during the meeting. Using a mobile device  
greatly reduces costs since most agendas, including the documents attached to files,  
are over 1000 pages when printed.  
Meetings are available on the Council's website. Email notification and web feeds  
(RSS) of newly released minutes, agendas, and meetings are available by subscription.  
minutes, and supporting documents.  
Meetings are live on St Paul Channel 18 and replayed at various times. Check your  
local listings.