work orders. I just don’t want to keep going back and forth with hearings. The property
is in great shape, it should have never got this far. I’d like to close the chapter on this.
It is safe, all permits are going to be closed.
Moermond: Mr. Zachran, the City didn’t put you in the position. Someone not showing
up for a long period of time. The fact you needed an inspection wasn’t for you
exclusively, I can’t conclude this appeal until I have that inspection. While I appreciate
you have a tenant lined up, I can’t do my job yet. Please understand this didn’t come
out of nowhere. This is many months of attempt to get in. Not a problem they created.
I’ll do a one-week layover and we can plan a reinspect and put this on a faster tract but
I can’t say it can be reoccupied until I have a clean set of orders. We can talk March
11, but that’s the best I can do.
Laid Over to the Legislative Hearings due back on 3/11/2025
Appeal of Ozzy Zahran, O.I.G. Holdings LLC, to a Vacant Building
Registration Requirement at 658 CONWAY STREET.
Deny the appeal. Property to remain a Cat 2 VB and requires CCI.
Ozzy Zachran, OIG Holdings, appeared via phone
Staff report by Supervisor Der Vue: two-unit dwelling. February 5, 2025 we received a
complaint of no heat and electricity. Inspection done that day with inspector and St.
Paul Police Department. Due to lack of heat and electric it was condemned with an
immediate vacate. A secondary inspection was done that afternoon due to the
immediate vacate orders, it was important all the occupants were notified and the
inspector was out with the property owner and his attorney, St. Paul Police Department,
and I vacated the property of 15 people. Gross unsanitary, lack of smoke and
carbons, damage throughout property to doors, walls, windows, plumbing and water
issues. Barred front entry with 2x4s and illegal locks on both entry doors and all
sleeping rooms. High energy wires exposed. Excessive content throughout all rooms.
Damage to siding, soffits, and fascia. This is a summary; the orders note every
Staff report by Supervisor Matt Dornfeld: we opened a Category 2 Vacant Building per
that referral February 7. He issued a Summary Abatement Order for garbage
throughout the property. AS of February 21, 2025 that was not in compliance and he
issued a work order to have it cleaned via work order. Photos in the file of that.
February 25 2025 St. Paul Police Department reported that the rear door to the home
was open to trespass and asked for it to be secured, which we issued a work order to
Zachran: the report is accurate on this one. This is the last of the unfortunate sober
home shenanigans in St. Paul. Similar to Toronto, we were actively trying to remove
the occupants from the units with a lot of roadblocks. The condition of the home is
grossly unsanitary. Occupants at 15 doesn’t shock me. I brought my attorney that day
to take note of everything going on, the immediate vacate trumped the court orders so
we dodged a bullet there. We got this home back quicker than anticipated. We’d like
the opportunity to get this cleaned out and the no heat related to no power, it is worth
mentioning the power is fine. They were messing with the meter cover outside, which
Xcel found out about and shut off the power. We left it off to deter any additional
squatting, but our intent is to go back in and replace the cover under permit, remove
the junk and put eyes on it and pull permits for repairs. We’ve also been going back
and forth with the HPC on this to come up with a good plan for the exterior
rehabilitation. We’ve agreed on a set of plans with them. Would you consider giving us