the damage. He contacted Michael Born who is the nephew of James Born. Michael
does live next door and did sustain property damage himself. He had a choice: let the
property go or try and do something about it and try to make it a valuable property to
the City instead of a blight. We did a decree of descent petition to get the title into the
name of someone who will take ownership. Michael new what would be involved if he
got title to the property but he did take it on. The court did say the property of James
born goes to Michael Born, it was signed in June and filed in July. We’d been working
with the City during this process and didn’t think it was proper to assess Michael for
the Vacant Building but we don’t know who is going to be the owner as of now. We
found out in June and after that we spoke to the City. The Department of Safety &
Inspections was in contact with us and Michael came down and filed for the appropriate
permits to begin the rehab. He had the Code Compliance Inspection Report done, this
“do gooder” is trying to take over and get this done not knowing if he’s going to spend
10’s of thousands of dollars. Department of Safety & Inspections told him he couldn’t
do anything until that inspection was done. We found ourselves into September and
October. Michael was patiently waiting for the information. There was a letter dated
October 25 that Michael only found out about within the last weeks that was evidently
prepared but never sent to him. I don’t know what the issue was. He’s been waiting to
do the repairs but it was never possible.
Michael said he’d been down to the Department of Safety & Inspections and asked
about the status and doing some demo and was told by someone there he isn’t able to
do that and get any permits. This October 25th letter wasn’t given, but last week when
he went down again and I was on the phone, then they finally gave him this letter. Then
he WAS able to get a demolition permit. He has started and paid people to begin the
demo work. This hasn’t’ been an inexpensive project for him. Right now, he’s at
$17,121.24 including attorney fees, paying off a lien on the property, water
assessment, building permits, taxes, City Code Compliance and garage cleanup. We
have someone very invested in St. Paul and wants to make it a better place. I don’t
think the fee is appropriate to put on someone when you’ll get it back 10-fold once he
can repair and pay taxes that will increase. Paying a Vacant Building fee that exists
through no fault of his own. I know in some instances some people are doing nothing
may need the Vacant Building fee to cause them to go faster, Michael is going to do
everything he can to get this house up and running. For that reason, it isn’t appropriate
he has a Vacant Building assessment. I think the City would want to encourage
investments into the City of St. Paul and its housing stock.
Born: he covered everything thoroughly. No additional comments.
Moermond: we have the fire happening in March of 2024. It goes into the Vacant
Building program as a Category 1 Vacant Building. That means it is turnkey but with
fire damaged structures most of the time insurance companies are involved and have
much higher expectations on the rehab. It doesn’t sound like with the lack of insurance
it applies here. That’s why it was turned into a Category 2 Vacant Building not too long
after. Department of Safety & Inspections gave the traditional 90-day waiver. They also
gave a second 90-day waiver at the same time you acquired the structure.
Whether or not this belongs in the Vacant Building program, 43.02 is the Vacant
Building definitions and what I’m looking at is whether this appropriately a Category 2 or
even defined as a Vacant Building. What I’m seeing is we have unoccupied, secured
by other than normal means, unoccupied and has multiple housing and building code
violations. At this point we’re coming up on one year. When Mr. Born acquired it I’m
sure he did the math whether the existing liens and use of attorneys would balance with
the necessary expenses to get it back online. The 2024 tax statement has a value of
$151,000. The property tax records for the transfer in June shows no cost in the
transfer. Whether the Vacant Building fee can be waived because investment is
happening that may or may not result in increased property tax value isn’t something I