From: Stanley Gardner Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 11:37 AM To: Johnson, Tony (CI-StPaul) Subject: Fw: Just a note Think Before You Click: This email originated outside our organization. I did it again, I can't find your email. I will attempt to remember what you said. First, I did not get done what I had planned for yesterday. I will, hopefully get it done today. I took my car in yesterday at 11;30 and did not get back home until almost 5. I did get to the bank but not much else. yes, I would like you to pass on my emails to the Council.Having said that allow me to continue. Please understand that this is not about you. Parking: I think you made a mistake here. Your think was two out in front and six on the side. Ok I agree but what about the 4-5 apartments up stairs, where do the park? Will the back lot be turned into a parking lot? Discussion with other neighbors; I would love to be able to do this but this could be a difficult task relative to my condition.I believe I said I have lived in this house since 1965. When we, my wife and kids, first moved in it was very much integrated. However, over time it changed and became fully black. Now it is started to change to integrated again. I would love to see that continue. Problem Properties: I had suggest you speak with Officer Ludvik concerning 981 Notification of testimony: You indicated to me that `100' was used, I suggest that this rezoning issue is much larger and could effect several blocks around 981.I suggest that you include the Super America station on University Ave and much more. Trash: Currently, someone in the neighborhood picks up the paper and trash. Certainly, Perhaps as much as once or twice a week. I might add that we had great difficulty getting SA to put trash cans out to help with that mess. Now I see that the cans are gone. Why? One of the things that concern me is the fact that we do not want this area to start looking like a prison area where people have to starting putting bars on the windows and doors Now it seems to me that there is a lot of room on University or up on Selby. I reminded of what happened with the Freeway. The area was not asked it was force on that community. Right through the black community. Interesting, it still persist today! Sorry Tony but I must run, I will attempt to finish this later. There are more issue I wish to tell you about and presented to the Council ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Stanley Gardner To: Anthony Johnson Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 6:24:53 PM CDT Subject: Just a note The place I was attempting to think about was "Swede Hollow" where I would see Jane Prince and I believe it is on 6th Street