RLH VBR 24-72 Appeal of Kristina Schultz to a Vacant Building Registration Notice and
Order to Vacate at 150 & 152 PAGE STREET WEST.
Layover to December 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm. PO to submit work plan for addressing
deficiencies by no later than 11 am on Monday, December 2, 2024.
Kristina Schultz, owner, appeared via phone
Dalton Wells, contractor, appeared via phone
[Moermond gives background of appeals process]
Staff report by Supervisor Leanna Shaff: is a duplex. Prior to our involvement it was
owner occupied for many years. We received a complaint on May 30 it was being
used as an illegal triplex. It was responded to by Inspector Almsted who talked to the
realtor since it was a recent purchase. They told him it was going to be owner
occupied and the building is functioning as a duplex. I got involved at that point. Went
out and looked at the property and wrote orders. It didn’t have a Fire Certificate of
Occupancy. June 6 I spoke with Ms. Schultz and she dropped off a provisional
application. From the beginning I was up front with Ms. Schultz about the issues and
expected compliance times. It was at some point converted to a triplex. It wasn’t
supposed to be one. Plumbing issues, unpermitted plumbing in the building including
another bathroom in the basement. Occupancy separation issues between the two
units. Exterior issues, birds living in the walls. Sunken areas in the front. A lot of work
done without permits. Another kitchen added to the basement illegal unit. I was at the
property a few times over the summer writing orders, every time I’m there there is
something different unfortunately. Appellant finds new things as she is working,
improper materials or not knowing how to do that work. Gave a deadline of Labor
day, but I was out on medical. October 31 I revoked the Certificate of Occupancy for
long-term noncompliance and work without permits and referred to the Vacant
Building program.
Moermond: and the letter is dated November 8?
Shaff: that is correct, the letter before said compliance or vacated by November 1.
Moermond: we had the complaint of the triplex and could you tell me, was it a triplex
when you inspected?
Shaff: it was converted to a triplex. 150 side had two units; an additional one added in
the basement.
Staff report by Supervisor Matt Dornfeld: made a Category 2 Vacant Building
November 12, 2024 per inspector Hesse. Not much to add to that report. We opened
a Category 2 Vacant Building per that revocation referral.
Moermond: it looks like ownership is Page Me, LLC, is that you?
Schultz: it is. I was just hoping for my time. I just started my business in January so
funds are limited. I kind of bit off more than I can chew. I have a contractor working
on things now. I took a bathroom out, converted it back into a duplex and have a
contractor on the line also that will help me do the rest of the work.
Moermond: the kitchen still needs to be removed?
Schultz: kitchen and bathroom have been removed. Deck has been worked on. I’ve
done flooring. I filled the bird holes. It is a long list. I’ve been devoting my life to fixing
this up since this all started. It has been very costly for me. I don’t want to stop now
when I’m almost finished.