Public hearing to consider the application of MGM to rezone the approximately northern 35 feet of 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Avenue W. from R4 to B2.
Staff Recommendation: approval
District Council: District 10 recommended approval with conditions
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, vote: 5 - 0
Support: 0 people spoke, 4 letters were received
Opposition: 0 people spoke, 1 letters were received
Planning Commission Recommendation: approval recommended, vote: 15 with 2 abstentions (Perrus, Oliver)
Staff Assigned: Penelope Simison, 651-266-6554
Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 11-94
Planning Commission minutes, Action minutes from December 2, 2011
Zoning Committee minutes, November 22, 2011
Deadline for Action Extension Letter
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet
Required Background Information
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Yes. 60 day deadline is December 23, 2011. See attached letter extending the deadline to February 21, 2012