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File #: RLH TA 25-120    Version: 1
Type: Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Legislative Hearings
Final action:
Title: Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 120 LYTON PLACE. (File No. VB2507, Assessment No. 258806)
Sponsors: Anika Bowie
Ward: Special Tax Assessments, Ward - 1
Attachments: 1. 120 Lyton Pl.Reg Notice 3-15-24.pdf, 2. 120 Lyton Pl.Warning Ltr 10-2-24.pdf, 3. 120 Lyton Pl.Code Compliance Report 10-25-24.pdf, 4. 120 Lyton Pl. aerial
Related files: RLH VBR 25-13
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Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 120 LYTON PLACE. (File No. VB2507, Assessment No. 258806)


Hearing Date(s)

Date of LH: 2/25/25


Date of CPH:   4/9/25


Tax Assessment Worksheet

Cost:  $2459

Service Charge: $159

Total Assessment:  $2618

Name of Property Owner/Representative of Management Co.:   Michael O'Neill & Patrick Bower, Martin & Squires PA representing Michael Born (nephew of decedent and received property out of probate 9/30/24)

Type of Order/Fee:   VB fee billed during 03/20/24-09/24/24

Nuisance:  VB 3/14/24-3/14/25

Date of Orders:  Reg Notice 3/15/24; Warning Ltr 10/2/24

Work Order #: 24-019682, Inv # 1879749

Returned Mail?:  No

Comments: 04/03/2024: 90 days Fee Waive - Vicki Sheffer - Rec'd VBRF. Hold fee 90 days due to fire.

06/27/2024: Custom Waive - Vicki Sheffer - Continue to hold fee due to fire.  CAT 2 SFD 3/14/24; CCIR 10/25/24


04/03/2024: Rec'd VBRF. Fee being held THRU 07/02/2024 due to fire/probate action. vs

06/27/2024: Attorney for Michael Born (son of decedent) contacted me requesting add'l time for his client to make repairs to the property. Fee held THRU 10/02/2024. vs

06/28/2024: VB FEE CANCELED. (ALL PERMITS OK) VB fee not "canceled" An "inspector" made error in canceling fee.

08/16/2024: Changed from Category 1 (Fire) to Category 2

09/30/2024: Spoke with Michael Born. He is actually the nephew of the decedent and just received property out of probate. Sale review is not necessary but a code compliance inspection is. He stated he'd stop in to DSI today to pay for that. Permit issuance only OK after code compliance complete. RH

History of Orders on Property:



WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Assessment Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with [type of tax roll and time period] [RE Project #] and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and


WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation for the City Council with respect to this assessment; and


WHEREAS, a public hearing having been conducted for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered financially satisfactory; Now, Therefore, Be It


RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter, said assessment is hereby [ratified and payable in one installment, ratified and reduced, deleted; ratified and made payable over X years).


Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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